LTRJ Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.
By Heather Clarke
Christian News Network
In an interview posted to social media, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors, along with BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder Melina Abdullah, discussed the “spiritual” component of the movement, explaining the practices and “rituals” performed to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans.
“We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke that spirit, and then their spirits actually become present with you,” Abdullah, a professor at California State University, stated during the discussion hosted by Fowler Museum at UCLA.
Cullors outlined that she was raised Jehovah’s Witness, and “ancestral worship became really important” as she got older. She said that she felt a responsibility to honor the deceased politically and spiritually. Click here to continue reading.
(photo from; used with permission)
This is full on ancestral worship
We have many symbols in the Book of Revelation. The Thunder John heard speaks of a coming storm. A warrior/Anti-Christ comes forth on a white horse, his bow speaks of distant warfare. Horses as in Zechariah one, symbolize providential movements. Satans last chance of a mock millennium with out Christ. We all understand that the Church was raptured to Heaven before The tribulation starts. The Red Horse tells us Anarchy, a bloody warfare has come while they people are saying peace and safety. The rider on the blood red horse has a sword which is different than a bow. Man against man, class wars, civil wars, and nation against nation. Internal strife, breaking up of all established order. The third rider of the black horse Is holding two balances. Worldwide war and worldwide famine. The forth pale horse ridden by Death appears. Pestilence always follows war and famine. BLM spiritually performs rituals to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans. Ancestral Worship. Very sad. When I was first saved I met some of the most Godly and loving black Christians while working in a dangerous part of Cleveland reading gas meters. Some of them told me “Thank God my grandparents came to America.”All of them had worn Bibles sitting in their living rooms. They loved their savior. Sadly BLM and Satan are leading many to a lost eternity. We need to pray for them.
The opening ceremonies of the Olympics in Atlanta in 1996 featured participants waving flags representing every continent on the earth (with the possible exception of Antarctica) and summoning [evil] spirits to come to America from them.
No doubt Lennon’s blasphemous song Imagine was featured there, as well, as it has been at many (if not all) Olympics in recent history.
I pray for God’s mercy on America, not what we deserve.
Wow, what a mishmash of beliefs they hold — from Marxism to ancestor worship to moral perversion to cult beliefs (Jehovah’s Witness) to hoodoo, which is witchcraft. It seems their beliefs are comprised of almost everything except Biblical Christianity.
JW’s are actually falsely named, because the true Jehovah of the Bible sent His only begotten Son as Messiah, not Michael the Archangel (as JW’s teach). They hold to other false beliefs too, not Biblical, but that is the crux of the matter.
All of this explains the ungodly hatred and violence with which they are possessed. Christ Jesus says that hatred in the heart is equal to murder in His sight.