LTRP Note: The fact that Roma Downey’s recently released, New Age-promoting book, Box of Butterflies, is being endorsed by numerous evangelical leaders like Rick and Kay Warren, Focus on the Family, Jonathan Falwell, Craig Groeschel, John Hagee, Max Lucado, Erwin McManus, Luis Palau Association, Hillsong, and Ronnie Floyd (the last SBC president) is reason to read this review in its entirety. We find it outrageous that Roma Downey has received a pass into the evangelical church from many of its leading figures, including David Jeremiah and Greg Laurie—and for the most part, no one seems to care. The New Age is not coming into the church—it is in the church already, at least this apostate pseudo church that is fast growing and fulfilling endtime Bible prophecy right under everyone’s noses.
By Lois Putnam
Have you ever received a package wrapped in the most attractive paper only to eagerly rip off its wrappings to find something inside you couldn’t have imagined? This is much like Roma Downey’s beautiful new book Box of Butterflies for although its author is sincere and gracious, and its stories are inspirational and hopeful when fully opened, one will discover a core false teaching that runs throughout its pages. And so, because Scripture reminds us to test all things, this review will attempt to unpack how its author incorporates this teaching throughout the book.
Unpacking Its Foreword
Box of Butterflies begins with a short foreword by the late Della Reese with whom Roma had an extraordinary relationship that began with Della playing “Tess,” Roma’s partner-angel, on the well-known Touched by an Angel series. About Della, Roma wrote, “She has become the first person I call when I need wisdom, and she is a loving teacher and instructor.” (p.36) Such was Della’s influence on Roma that she also became Roma’s surrogate mother, a godmother to Roma’s daughter Reilly, and the officiator at Roma and Mark’s wedding. (p.35) (p.132)
Della was also a pastor of the New Thought “Up Church.” New Thought teaches one that the Bible is just a book containing the sacred writings of any religion. It believes too ” … in God, the living Spirit Almighty; one, indestructible, absolute, and self-existent Cause; and it believes ” …in the incarnation of the Spirit in US, and that all PEOPLE are incarnations of the One Spirit.” Dear reader, this is what Della believed, for Della Reese, along with such men as Eckhart Tolle, and Neale Donald Walsch, are listed among their “Modern Notable Members.” As Christian as Reese’s foreword may seem, Reese’s beliefs are unbiblical.;
Unpacking Its “Introduction”
Mary Oliver
Roma’s “Introduction” begins with Mary Oliver’s poem: “I Have Decided.” Roma writes, “I love the poems of Mary Oliver … there is something about the beauty and honesty of her poems that echoes the prayers of my heart. She reminds me of the simplicity of faith, of how God’s image is reflected in nature all around us, and when we are quiet we can connect to the stillness within ourselves, we can hear him speak.” (p.1) Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
NEW BOOKLET – Confused by an Angel: The Dilemma of Roma Downey’s New Age Beliefs
Very disturbing that it is yet another deceptive new age book, in pretty packaging.
The eneny always uses part truth.
It bothered me the first few pages.
The TRUTH OF CHRIST is added to in this book.
Jesus warns ‘do not be deceived’.
Touched by an Angel NEVER uses the Name of Jesus.
I pray The Lord opens the eyes of our understanding and gives greater spiritual discernment to all…….incl all the pastors named.
So sad! I’m sure that she is a lovely, sincere person but is walking to the beat of a different drummer and it is not the God of the Bible. She has joined ranks with many others promoting feel good, tickle the ears philosophy. Sorry to see the names of endorsers of her book. Many of them were sound teachers but have allowed their ministries to become watered down by teaching new age type of thought.
I am not surprised at the well known and respected ministry leaders endorsing her book. As many do, they are just looking on the surface and not where this person stands on Bible truth. She might be a lovely, caring person but is walking to the best of a different drummer. Sad to say, some of the supporters do, as well. May God have mercy on us all.
So sad shes been deceived. We are truly in the last days. This is New Age doctrine of devils. We need to pray.😞
Also, on KWAVE, the big Calvary Chapel radio station, they interviewed Roma about what could have been this book or a movie or something and butterflies were mentioned. It’s being promoted all over the place. ) :