by Discernment Ministries
Emergent church leaders are re-packaging and marketing the Creation Spirituality myth to the evangelical church. According to Emergent church leader Brian McLaren, human beings on planet Earth need to change our “framing story.” A thorough read of his latest book, Everything Must Change, indicates that Christians have to change their doctrines. He proposes that “Jesus’ message might be seen as an alternative framing story that, if believed, could save the system from suicide. . . . For Jesus to save the system, we must first, in a sense, save Jesus — by reframing him . . . .” (p. 73) In McLaren’s “Emerging View” Jesus “came to become the Savior of the world, meaning he came to save the earth and all it contains from its ongoing destruction because of human evil.” (p. 79)
McLaren says that the “world’s dominant framing story is failing” (p. 68). According to his revisionist history, Christianity is largely to blame for the world’s problems of “greed, class conflict, sexual irresponsibility, ethnic hatred, religious bigotry, or nationalistic militarism that threaten us.” If this were true (and indeed there may be some elements of truth in this) an authentic biblical response would be repentance. But that is not McLaren’s solution. His solution is a social activism “transformation” that parallels precisely the goals and activities of the New Age New World Order.Click here to read this entire article and for citations.
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