Brian McLaren Asks For Money For: “broad-based, diverse, and deep Christian movement”

LTRP Note: Brian McLaren, one of the original “Terra Nova” emergent leaders, is asking followers to send substantial amounts of money for a mystery project that McLaren says will go toward a “broad-based, diverse, and deep Christian movement.” Lighthouse Trails has done extensive research on Brian McLaren for nearly 10 years. Please refer to the links below this article for some of that research or type  “Brian McLaren” into one of our two search engines. McLaren has had a major influence in the social, political, and religious sectors of the Western world.

“Brian McLaren ask for significant cash for mystery project”

By A.S.

On his blog [on May 22, 2013], Brian McLaren is making a mysterious appeal for money. Not just a few dollars, but big, bodacious financial support from those with deep pockets.

What’s it for? Brian won’t say, but if you want to contribute, you could email him at a special “happy to help” address and let him know you’re rich, and he’ll get back to you by this weekend.

He explains that his calling as a “movement person” has been supporting broad-based movements that embody a “Christ-like ethos and leads to Christ-like action for the good of the world.” But he leaves out the part where he denies the substitutionary atonement of the cross and what Christ did to fully pardon our sins.

What I’m looking for is a team of partners to join me in a generous and strategic impulse.

If you believe in the kinds of things I write, say, and do, and would like to join me in making a significant financial investment over the next three years – to help a broad-based, diverse, and deep Christian movement rise to the next level, I am hoping we can come together in a joint project. Click here to continue reading.

Related Information:

Brian McLaren’s views on Heaven, Hell, and the Cross (an interview)

Brian McLaren – Rethinking the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Everything Must Change! says Brian McLaren

Brian McLaren: Hoping Obama Will Be Our Next President

BOOK REVIEW: Brian McLaren’s New Book: Finding Our Way Again

Brian McLaren’s Hope for the Future – The Minds of Your Grandchildren

Book Review on McLaren’s book: The Secret Message of Jesus by Berit Kjos

**The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel by Roger Oakland **