1. Kila Bergdorf

    Lighthouse Trails is the only ministry out there that fully covers everything going on in the church today that attempts to draw believers away from the Truth of the Gospel. It is so important for you all to be there and do what you do. We hold you up in prayer.
    Thank you

  2. Sharon Weatherly

    Appreciate all you do and all you are … a faithful watcher on the wall! Your materials are timely and so well done!i refer you them often!
    Thank you!!

  3. Andy Metz

    Your Ministry is one of the few on the national scene who is earnestly contending for the Faith. You have definitely raised my level if awareness to several issues (Contemplative prayer, for instance, and its connection to Eastern mysticism, the Catholic Church, and the emerging apostate church- which I simply knew nothing about prior to encountering your ministry). The devil is a liar and deceiver, and doctrines of demons and deception will be (is) his primary means of attack against the Church in the last days. By exposing many of Satan’s strategies, you are performing a valuable service for the Body of Christ. Well done, and please continue! I look forward to your latest monthly newsletters and articles.

  4. Wilma Colclasure

    I have appreciated your ministry from it’s inception.You truly have been a light shining in the darkness.May the Lord continue to bless you.

  5. Eileen

    Always good information!!! Buy extra booklets and keep them on hand to share! Evil sneaks in quietly and sometimes dressed in white! I shared the Yoga booklet to members of the MS Support Group because YOGA and Meditation are strongly promoted in everything…Seminars, events, magazine articles, even health care professionals!!! And we live where Pastor Tim Remmington was shot multiple times at church by Kyle Odem that had been meditating and became demon possessed! Pastor Tim lived and you can learn about it on YouTube for yourself! Thankfully Pastor Tim shared his story with the MS Group on Thanksgiving 2 years ago!!! God is Good!!!

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