Bryce Homes Kenya March 2016 Report 2

By Roger Oakland

Yesterday was another extremely busy day in Kenya. With very little sleep the night before, there was no time to rest during the day. After breakfast, our driver picked us up, and we were taken to the local government office facility. Yesterday, the day before Good Friday, was a day chosen by the heads of various government departments to demonstrate their commitment of service to the community. They had gathered at the city office for prayer and worship before they went out to sweep streets with broom to show their humility.

2016-kenya-report-2-photo-croppedFollowing Christian worship and praise to God, I was asked to present a message from the Bible to encourage them. If you are wondering if I am making this up, this is not the case. While not all government and county leaders are Christians, there are so many in this town where we are located, this weekly gathering of Christians for prayer and worship is just the norm. And it has become evident that the Bryce Homes program has impacted this region and departments of health, environment, and social services.

On the way to Kenya, I had prayed about what topic to present to these men and women leaders. Immediately, thoughts flooded into my mind that a short overview of the book of Nehemiah would be appropriate. After the worship, I was introduced. I introduced my friend from Canada who is accompanying me then opened my Bible to the book of Nehemiah. It is not my intention to present the study in this report, but what I will tell you is that it was another one of those emotional moments in life. Click here to continue reading.

See Report 1 from this trip.