Caller Asks About Be Still DVD – It’s Still Having Influence After 8 Years (Thank you Beth Moore and Richard Foster)

A Lighthouse Trails reader called this past week, asking about the DVD film, Be Still. He said he watched it and couldn’t see anything wrong with it and would like to share it with others. He wanted to know what we thought about the film. We explained to the caller that the film was an infomercial for contemplative praye  and that while we realized it could be subtle at first glance, a close look at what is being said in the film revealed the true nature. We gave the caller a few quotes by those in the film including Beth Moore, Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, and Buddhist sympathizing convert to the Catholic church, Peter Kreeft.  Here are some of those quotes:

“The wonderful thing about contemplative prayer is that it can be found everywhere, anywhere, any time for anyone. We become a portable sanctuary, so that we are living our life, wherever it is, aware of the goodness of God, the presence of God.” —Richard Foster [Foster believes that anyone, even an atheist, can practice contemplative prayer and become a “portable sanctuary” for God. In other words, it has nothing to do with being born again and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord that makes us “portable sanctuaries.” In fact, that isn’t even a prerequisite.]

“One of the great things silence does, it gives us a new concept of God.”—Calvin Miller [Miller is a strong contemplative proponent, so much so that he resonates with Gospel denier, Marcus Borg]

“[I]f we are not still before Him [God], we will never truly know to the depths of the marrow of our bones that He is God. There’s got to be a stillness.”—Beth Moore [Moore, who believes contemplative mystic Brennan Manning has great merit for the church, holds to the view that an inner stillness is what determines our walk with God.]

“Contemplation is different from other types of Christian prayer.” —Be Still DVD Narrator [This admission by the film’s narrator backs up our own conclusions that contemplative prayer is indeed different than traditional biblical prayer.]

“O Divine Master, teach me this mute language which says so much.” —Richard Foster, quoting Jesuit Priest (18th century) Jean Nicholas Grou

“It [contemplative prayer]is somewhat like the story of electricity with Benjamin Franklin. And actually, we know now that electricity’s everywhere….” —Dallas Willard [Willard bore the “fruit” of contemplative prayer, i.e., believing that God is in everything.]

[Mystic Soren] Kierkegaard, probably the greatest Protestant Christian mind of all time, said … “If I could prescribe only one remedy for all the ills of the modern world, I would prescribe silence.” —Peter Kreeft

The Be Still DVD film first came out in 2006. As we predicted back then, it would have an impact on countless lives for years to come. The following links provide further research on the Be Still film.

Richard Foster and the Be Still DVD by Ray Yungen

Beth Moore Gives Thumbs Up to Be Still DVD

Why We Say Beth Moore is a Contemplative Advocate

More About the Be Still DVD