1. David

    Calvinism errs on virutally every single foundational point of the redemption — but the primary reason it is heresy is because of the terrible picture of God that it demands. They justify it by saying that God is sovereign. R C Sproul was a leading teacher of this heresy and he admits he wasn’t even sure he was one of the elect, and thus, saved.

  2. Debbie

    Sproul’s take on the verse regarding Peter’s comment of having no where else to go, but only Jesus has the words of life, John 6:68, doesn’t necessarily nessicitate being uncomfortable to stay with Jesus because of hard teaching, but instead where else where we go for the joyous words and presence of Christ. Not a ‘this is all there is, too bad no other options’, but a this is the only place I can find life, light, joy, peace, the presence of Christ is the only place I can find what is even better than life, Christ Jesus Himself, He is greater than all.

  3. Nina

    Good News means Good News. Salvation by Grace is Good News. If it is up to our performance until the end, we are doomed.

  4. Janice McKenzie

    II Corinthians 5:19 God is not inputting our sins unto us. Salvation is a gift of God, not by works least anyone should boast. Calvinism and Pink make God out to be a monster.

  5. Lisa

    Our assurance is this;
    Hebrews 3:14
    For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.

  6. Deb

    I’ve come to the conclusion that “Calvinism” is just that, an ism; the following of one man’s ideology versus following Christ. Paul said “follow me as I follow Christ.”

  7. Theo Van Vliet

    Anguishing doubt for sure.
    I was raised in a Calvinist tradition until at age 17 I was born again and experienced the joy of sins forgiven. At that time my aunt (after hearing of what had happened to me) confided to me her own doubt and fear – what if she wasn’t one of God’s elect? Perseverance of the saints offers no comfort if someone isn’t even sure that they are a saint in the first place.
    “We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us.” 1 John 4:16a NASB Hallelujah!

  8. John J

    Calvinism = a club of evil, a worse danger to Biblical born-again Christianity than Islam, etc. MacArthur and those deceived men who preceded him may laugh. It’s easy . . . Christ or men?

  9. Mary

    The word “patience “ is used throughout Scripture and is the equivalent of P. (perseverance) .

    Calvinism is merely sound Biblical doctrine in response to Jacobus Arminius’ followers who were following the damnable doctrine of “free will.” Martin Luther correctly taught, “The Bondage of the Will.” We are not saved by human faith but “justified by the Faith of Christ.” Gal. 2:16; Rom. 3:22

    Biblical preaching of the Gospel must be reclaimed, if we are going to recover it from the apostasy of the Evangelicals and Catholics Together accord.

  10. Brenda

    When I read Pink’s statement:

    ” Something more than believing in Christ is necessary to ensure the soul’s reaching Heaven.5 ”

    I think of that rope in a gymnasium which students had to climb up in order to pass their Physical Fitness test.

    Now imagine having to climb such a rope to Heaven (which is above all the universe). That’s the impossibility of any “faith plus” religion. Sigh… ~Brenda

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