By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times, International
At one time in my life, I was a staunch believer in Darwinian evolution. During that period of my life, I just accepted what I was told by scientists without thinking very much about the claims they were imposing on me. Eventually, I came to the realization this was a far too passive approach. The traditional scientific world teaches us to never accept things by faith. For this reason, I started to see some holes in the evolution argument and was challenged to look at the real facts for myself.
Biologists who study the human body realize there are many complex processes essential for life that need to be explained. Darwinian evolution claims to provide the answers. All that is required are minute changes in the genetic code, environmental pressure, natural selection, and plenty of time—it is believed.
Although it is easy enough to say this formula worked in the distant unobservable past, it is much more difficult to come up with a step-by-step model to show how natural processes operating by chance can produce the complexity of life. For example, consider what has to happen for blood to clot so that one doesn’t bleed to death. Everyone knows when you cut yourself with a sharp object, you bleed. If the bleeding continues unhindered, you eventually lose all your blood and die. Clotting is a complex biochemical process that prevents you from bleeding to death. How did this process evolve by chance? Click here to continue reading.
For more information:
The Evolution Conspiracy by Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana
Also check out on you tube Jay Seegert Scientific evidence for the inspiration of the bible. On the Berean Call, 46:15 to 50:32 minutes.
I hope that asking such questions will lead some of them to try thinking on their own. At least it may plant seeds of doubt in the secular speak. The logic of Holmes is lost on the anti-creationist. “When all other possibilities are eliminated what ever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth”. Their foundational philosophy is that materialism alone is science. They make no allowance for the supernatural. In spite of overwhelming evidence they will never acknowledge an immaterial eternally self existent un-caused first cause. One so called brilliant scientist stated, ” Even with the complete absence of evidence for spontaneous generation it must be true to explain evolution”. Their is their answer, blood clotting spontaneously generated itself. Prov. 26: 4-5 Do not debate a fool as if his premise has any merit.
Very profound! I am reminded from the Scriptures that “the life is in the blood”. This subject can hardly be more important to people’s health, i.e., ability to survive. Thank you for this. I haven’t read many of your articles about evolution vs. God’s Creation, but I will now.
Very thought provoking. Will send on to my son! God bless your ministry🙏🏻