Canadian Prime Minister Hoping to Force News Websites to Have Government License

August, 2017. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes part in Montreal Pride Parade

“Trudeau Minister Proposes Forcing News Websites to Have Govt Licence”

By Chris Tomlinson

Canadian Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault has stated that news websites, along with social media companies, could be forced to obtain government licences to operate in Canada.

The minister, who has been tasked with updating Canada’s broadcasting laws using the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), stated that internet news sites will be “asked” to obtain a government-approved licence, broadcaster CTV reports.

The report, entitled “Canada’s communications future: Time to act”, was released on January 29th and included 97 recommendations. It details how the CRTC would be vastly expanded to not only regulate radio and television broadcasters but news websites as well. Click here to continue reading.

Related Article:

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(photo from; used with permission)

11 thoughts on “Canadian Prime Minister Hoping to Force News Websites to Have Government License

  1. Looks like JT is using China’s blueprint to communism and along with Google’s help down the road will become an equal with China. Sorry to say but the US is not that far behind. To get a better understanding of Agenda 21, look at the first “guideline” on the Georgia Guide Stones and you’ll see where we are all headed.

  2. Limp-wristed humanism in action. One of the countries that have slipped down the slippery, sick slope the fastest over the last ten to fifteen years. Justin T is one of the weakest “leaders” the world has ever seen. Canada is doing its utmost to compete with a certain African nation way down south.

  3. You are absolutely right Roy.
    I love Canada 🇨🇦 and my Canadian brothers and sisters.
    I feel very sorry for the abuse most Canadian citizens are experiencing when more and more of their God given freedoms and rights are taken away from them.
    When I was in college, my uncle, a fine Catholic priest, was assigned to a large Parish in Montreal. I had the opportunity of visiting him many times. Those were such memorable trips in the 1960’s and 70’s!
    It seems like yesterday!
    God bless all Canadian patriots!
    God bless Canada 🇨🇦!
    Your American prayer brother Tom

  4. If you are against God’s holy Ten Commandments, you will be in grave danger when your immortal soul sees our loving and merciful God face to face!
    If Justin Trudeau wants to be politically correct in this world, he will suffer in the next.
    God doesn’t take bribes. No one can pay a ransom for his or her soul!
    God bless you,
    Your devoted American prayer brother Tom

  5. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin [Ceausescu] is following the Regressive/Liberal/Occultist/Communist blueprint right to the explicit “T” … almost line by blinking line!

  6. It is very alarming and sad to see Canada continuing its leftist agenda with persecution of Bible-believing Christians and conservatives. Their freedoms are disappearing fast. God cannot bless nations that disregard His laws.

  7. Liberty and free speech and guns must be done away with to allow for Agenda 21 and 2030.

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