1. Suzanne Keever

    A very good article . Desire to remember this good teaching . It’s so easy to understand while reading but it must be put in to practice!

  2. Excellent article! I often remind myself to keep my mind on things above, not those things of the earth as our lives are hidden in Christ in God. Praise Him! So glad this article ministered to Christine in a significant manner. The Word of God is our sword in defeating the evil one.

  3. Jeffry

    Another well done help for all of Christians. How about the Ninefold Fruit of the Spirit. Love, Joy, Peace, Gentleness, Longsuffering, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness and Self-Control? How are we doing Christians? Our Heavenly Father is still in control. We all need to pray for help. And keep on keeping on. We love because He first loved us!!

  4. Christine

    I desperately needed to read this. I had allowed my anxiety to take hold and I was finding myself falling further into darkness. By God’s mercy, the Holy Spirit reminded me to pray and I could see I was being spiritually attacked. God kept reminding me of worship songs about his care for me and of verses you shared in this article. Praise the Lord for your ministry and his love for his children. I am asking God to teach me how to be more vigilant and cast my cares on him once and for all. Thank you!

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