Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce a new book by author and widower Kevin Reeves. Kevin lost his wife in March of 2023. He wrote this book one year later. From the back cover: A thirty-eight-year marriage. A death from…
The new movie series The Promised Land released its pilot episode this past summer with 170+ episodes planned ahead. The series is directed by Mitch Hudson (an assistant director from The Chosen) and is being presented as a “mockumentary” about…
By Warren B. Smith Christian seek not yet repose,Cast thy dreams of ease away;Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray.Watch as if that alone were the issue of the day;Pray that help may be sent down: Watch…
A true story taken from Northern Campfires and Indian Wigwams (LT edition) By Egerton Ryerson YoungMissionary to the Cree people in Northern Manitoba in the late 1800s The following incident occurred years ago on the great plains of the Canadian…
LTRP Note: In August of this year, veteran free-lance writer Jim Fletcher attended Promise Keeper’s Daring Faith conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mr. Fletcher went to the event as part of his research to write the following article about necromancy in…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: Please find below a letter I wrote to one of my pastors. I hope this will be helpful to others reading it who are in a similar situation at their own churches. Dear _____________,I have had a…
Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors: I have written a review (see link below) of John Mark Comer’s 2024 book, Practicing the Way, and I’d like to explain why I did this review. I saw Comer’s name mentioned in an article in…
Since 2016, Lighthouse Trails has been sending out topical booklets (usually three times a year) to a growing list of pastors and Christian leaders. On Monday, July 22nd, Lighthouse Trails will be sending out our first mailing of 2024 to…
Note: This booklet is the collaborative effort of a wide cross-section of ministries and individuals who are concerned about the spiritual deception that has entered the church and is not being confronted and exposed by church leaders. This booklet is…
LTRP Note: The news article below is posted for informational and research purposes. Sarah Young (d. 2023), the author of best-selling book, Jesus Calling, was a member of the PCA (a Reformed/Calvinist Presbyterian denomination). To understand the dangerous spiritual implications…
Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce the release of a new booklet, The Chosen and the Bible: Serious Considerations That Can’t Be Ignored. This is a Spiritual Research Network publication and has been a collaborative effort by SRN, LT, and…
By The Berean Call Do we all “love the same Jesus”? Do we need the Catholic Church, the Abrahamic Family House, Rick Warren, the Finishing the Task Coalition, and The Chosen to fulfill the Great Commission? Can we as believers…