Category: —Children and Meditation

The Lynch Foundation Lures Schools into TM Quiet Times

By Lois Putnam Perhaps you’ve read of the Transcendental Meditation guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and his famed Beatle aficionados. And maybe you’ve surmised the TM mania had mostly gone away. But, you’re dead wrong, for there’s been a recent resurgence…

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Children at Risk: “How Colorado Schools Are Helping Kids Calm Down—and Learn—Through Mindfulness”

LTRP Note: The following out-of-house news story reiterates what Lighthouse Trails has been trying to warn about. More and more public schools are implementing “mindfulness” meditation techniques into the lives of their students. Ray Yungen provides this explanation of what…

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Letter to the Editor: My Children Asked to Read About Benefits of Yoga in School

To Lighthouse Trails: My kids are taking an AP English class and were asked to read articles that show the benefits of Yoga in schools. The question was not if Yoga was good or bad, but whether detention using Yoga…

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Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga Infiltration of Major School Systems: A Look Into ‘Mindful Kids Miami’ and ‘Breathe for Change’ Madison

By Lois Putnam Miami-Dade County Schools Partner with Mindful Kids Miami Miami-Dade County Schools (Fourth Largest School District in the U.S.A.) is being transformed into a mindfulness-yoga school system through its partnership with Mindful Kids Miami, and its mindfulness lady leader–Valerie York-Zimmerman….

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The Spirituality of Teresa of Avila – A Mystic to Whom Contemplatives Turn

Castles in the Sand by Carolyn A. Greene is a story based on true facts and addresses the fast growing contemplative prayer movement within the evangelical/Protestant church. The story is about a 21st century Christian college girl who is introduced to…

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Coming to a School Near You? – Mindfulness Meditation for Public School Children in Wisconsin

The following out-of-house news article is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement. “Madison startup uses mindfulness to help teachers take care of their students and themselves” By Ogechi Emechebe The Capital Times (Madison, WI) Giggling,…

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IMPORTANT ALERT: Christian Homeschoolers Targeted by “Christ-Centered Energy Healing” Organization

“Are you looking for reliable, Christ-centered information and healing that is safe, affordable and that really does work? Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired? Are you a healer or are you searching for effective healing that…

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A History of AWANA’s Contemplative Track Record and the Implications of Their New CEO

For over a decade  now, Lighthouse Trails editors have been concerned about the direction that the AWANA children’s club is heading. Today, in this report, we want to first give an overview of our past decade of reporting on AWANA,…

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Kyle Odom, the Man Who Shot Idaho Pastor, Says Meditation Started it All

LTRP: A “manifesto,” written by former Marine Kyle Odom, the 30-year-old man who shot Idaho pastor Tim Remmington, reveals that his life started to change drastically when he began doing meditation while in university to relieve stress. The meditation experiences…

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Children at Risk: Mudras, Chakras, Mantras: Deceptive Meditative Techniques

By L. Putnam A recent Facebook Post captioned: “Help Your Child Achieve Calmness!” showed a picture of a little girl sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, hands out, and with her fingers fixed in a mudra position.  What finger position is that?  To…

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Canadian Catholic School Board Hosting Conference Focused on Teaching School Children to Meditate

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes only. By Staff The Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board (HSCDSB) is hosting a conference for Northeastern Ontario educators focused on meditating with children. Christian meditation pioneer Ernie Christie…

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Feds Spend $2.5 Million on Mindfulness Intervention for Kindergarteners

LTRP Note: Posted for informational and research purposes. By Elizabeth Harrington The Washington Beacon The Department of Education is spending upwards of $2.5 million to bring a mindfulness intervention to kindergarteners in Chicago, where kids can go to “calm spots”…

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