LTRP Note: Another case of the American courts seeking to scare the American public into submission by going after the minority in this country who will stand up for what is right. “Virginia Man Found Guilty of ‘International Kidnapping’ for…
By Roger Oakland (Director and founder of Understand the Times, International and Bryce Homes International) If you have follow our reports from our Bryce Homes over the years you will see that we have a policy. It goes like this:…
NEW BOOKLET:HALLOWEEN! A Warning to Christian Parents by Johanna Michaelsen is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet Tract. The Booklet is 16 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail. Our…
By Lindsey Bever Washington Post Twelve months ago, Gianna Jessen testified against Planned Parenthood, saying during a congressional hearing that her biological mother was seven and a half months pregnant when she was advised to undergo an abortion by saline…
LTRP Note: Please also refer to the two articles below this letter to the editor. Dear Editor, I read with great interest the history of how Lighthouse Trails came into being. As you unfolded the story, it was so evident…
When you consider that Catholic contemplative mystic Richard Rohr once said in an interview that his publisher told him his largest audience was young evangelical Christians, and when you know what Rohr truly believes in and stands for, how can…
By Heather Clark Christian News Network A Canadian pastor is standing firm after being ordered to allow gay-straight alliances to be formed at his Christian schools. According to reports, on Sept. 2, Alberta Education Minister David Eggen sent a letter…
By Heather Clark Christian News Network BUFFALO, N.Y. — Several prospective jurors said that they could not separate their personal beliefs on homosexuality from the nation’s laws on the matter as jury selection was underway on Tuesday in the case…
By Bob Kellogg OneNewsNow Parents in Minnesota have joined others around the country to fight the U.S. Department of Education and its edict that opens public school restrooms to the opposite sex. Renee Carlson, an attorney with Alliance Defending Freedom,…
LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has been following this story for over seven years. We are advocates for the protection of children, even if that sometimes means breaking laws of the land if the laws of the land have become immoral…
LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails cares about children. From our earliest years, we have published material pertaining to child sex abuse. It’s an epidemic in our society and affects even the church. If you are a parent, grandparent, or guardian of…
By Garrett Haley Christian News Network An evolution-propagandizing illustrated children’s book is drawing praise from the secular community and currently ranks as a best seller on “Annabelle & Aiden: The Story Of Life” is a 26-page children’s book that…