Letters to the Editor – Colleges Gone Astray – Students Being Warned

Two letters written to Lighthouse Trails recently (similar to many others we receive): I just looked at your list of colleges and seminaries that are joining with the Emergent church movement. I am shocked and horrified. Moody Bible, Taylor University (my children attended Taylor in the 1990s) and so many more that at one time … [Read more…]

Biola University Contacts Lighthouse Trails – Accuses of Libel

On October 21st, someone from the Media Relations department at Biola University contacted Lighthouse Trails because of articles we have posted about Biola’s promotion of contemplative spirituality. The person, who asked not to be identified in our articles, said that statements Lighthouse Trails has made are libelous. Upon asking for examples of libelous statements, none … [Read more…]

Biola University Student Reports on Contemplative Chapel Services – Warns Parents to Avoid Biola

  LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails received the following letter this week from a student at Biola University (one we have been in contact with for some time). The student has asked to remain anonymous. Biola has been the subject of several Lighthouse Trails articles because of their promotion of contemplative spirituality. This letter is just … [Read more…]

Bethel University New President: “Catholic friends taught me about contemplative prayer.”

Bethel University in St. Paul, MN has elected a new president. James (Jay) Barnes III has been chosen to fill the spot. Bethel University has been a proponent of contemplative spirituality for some time. The new president may follow suit as he states in his “Faith Journey” profile on the university site, “My Catholic friends … [Read more…]

Parent Alert: Do You Know Where Your College Students are Attending Church?

Lighthouse Trails Research has provided extensive information on Christian colleges that are promoting contemplative and emerging spiritualities. Many parents we have spoken with have either pulled their young college students from those schools or at the very least warned their children of the dangers. But parents also need to find out where their students are … [Read more…]

Liberty University Climbs Deeper into the Contemplative/Emerging Camp

As was reported in two previous stories (February 2007, August 2007), Liberty University has been incorporating contemplative/emerging authors into their classrooms and college life. Nearly a year after our first report, Liberty shows no signs of taking a stand against this anti-biblical belief system. Students attending Liberty will be required to read the following books … [Read more…]

Cedarville University Bringing Emerging Church Activist to Campus

On February 11th, Cedarville University will be hosting an evening (link removed by Cedarville) with emerging church activist Shane Claiborne. The evening is titled after Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution. Lighthouse Trails spoke with John Purple (Cedarville’s Dean for Student Life), who said the event was open to both students and the public. Lighthouse Trails … [Read more…]

College Alert: Palm Beach Atlantic University Promotes Contemplative/Emerging

Palm Beach Atlantic University is a Christian college in Florida. Their “Guiding Principles” statement says: Founded under the providence of God with the conviction that there is a need for a university in this community that will expand the minds, develop the moral character and enrich the spiritual lives of all the people who may … [Read more…]

Belmont University (Baptist): Emergent book more popular than Bible

“Belmont seeks broader identity” Baptists say school has left religious roots By COLBY SLEDGE Staff Writer At Belmont University, the new religion is change. Enrollment is the highest ever. As soon as one residence hall is completed, another goes up. Students and faculty call President Bob Fisher “Bob the Builder,” for his drive toward the … [Read more…]

Student finds contemplative spirituality at college

PARENTAL WARNING: The following news story is an example of how contemplative spirituality in the Christian colleges is changing the lives of Christian kids. It has become epidemic. If your child is attending a Christian college, please make sure they understand about the dangers of mysticism and contemplative spirituality (i.e., spiritual formation). Adding discipline to … [Read more…]

A Glimpse of the Future of Christian Higher Education

As contemplative spirituality and emerging church mentality is racing into most Christian colleges and seminaries, perhaps we should take a glimpse at what a truly contemplative/emerging college looks like. Andover Newton Theological School may be just such an example. Started in 1807, it is the oldest graduate school of theology in the United States. It’s … [Read more…]

COLLEGE WATCH: Patrick Henry Bringing in Contemplative Through Spiritual Formation

July 2008 Update: Lighthouse Trails has been in contact with Patrick Henry, and the school no longer has spiritual formation groups. Their new president has stated that the school will not be going in that direction. In addition, they are not using contemplative and/or emerging books in their classes. Thus we have removed them from … [Read more…]

Cedarville University – Heading Down the Contemplative Road?

In June of this year, we reported that several Christian colleges and seminaries now have Spiritual Formation programs. One of those we listed was Cedarville University of Ohio. The Spiritual Formation course, titled BEGE 1720 is taught by Dr. Richard Blumenstock, and while the course outline lists no use of contemplative authors, Cedarville’s 64-page Student … [Read more…]

BACK TO SCHOOL – Is Your College Student Safe?

  Pretty soon, it is back to school, and thousands of teens and young adults will be flooding the doors of Christian colleges and seminaries. For nearly five years now, we have been researching Christian colleges and seminaries, have spoken to countless professors and several presidents and have found that most of these higher education … [Read more…]

COLLEGE WATCH: John Brown University Says Yes to Emerging and Contemplative

According to the Articles of Faith at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, the university believes the Bible is the “inspired, the only infallible, authoritative word of God” and that Jesus Christ is God. But their Bachelor of Science Degree with Major in Youth Ministries may send out a conflicting message. According to the … [Read more…]