United Church of Christ uses Labyrinth as meditation

By John L. Inman III Democrat Staff To kickoff the Lenten season, United Church of Christ (UCC), California, hosted a three-day opportunity to walk a labyrinth. The labyrinth was a replica of the design from one of the most famous labyrinths which is in the Chartes Cathedral in France. The Rev. Collette R. Jones, associate … [Read more…]

WASHINGTON: Walking the Labyrinth at Washington’s Church

  by Mark Tooley VirtueOnline out-of-house writer Would George Washington or Robert E. Lee have walked the labyrinth? This potentially New Age tool is now available at Christ Episcopal Church in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, which both generals once soberly attended. Almost maze like, a labyrinth is a circle with a winding path within it, … [Read more…]

“Labyrinths are in the midst of a resurgence across North America”

LTRP Note: The following news story from a Canadian news source reports on the growing popularity of labyrinths. The structures, used to practice meditation and contemplative prayer, are being built all across North America. Please review our research on labyrinths as well (click here). BRENNAN CLARKE The Globe and Mail Toronto, Canada …If all this … [Read more…]

Prayer Labyrinth on the campus of Eastern Mennonite University

LTRP Note: Labyrinths are part of the present day contemplative prayer movement. They have their roots in pagan history as we have documented at Lighthouse Trails Research. The article below is another example how mysticism is entering Christianity. “Following the path of prayer: Labyrinth dedicated at EMU” By Laura Lehman Amstutz Eastern Mennonite University HARRISONBURG, … [Read more…]

Dan Kimball Writes to Lighthouse Trails Over Labyrinth Issue – Book Should Be Pulled From the Market

On Sunday night, Dan Kimball, author of The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations, wrote to Lighthouse Trails regarding an article that Kimball wrote on labyrinths in 2001. Kimball stated to us that his article is no longer posted on his website, and he wondered why we still had a link to it. The … [Read more…]