Alliance Theological Seminary/Nyack College – Seminarian’s Ecstatic Encounter at the Resting Place: House of Prayer and Revival Center

By L. Putnam Learn to Discern In this article you will meet Maddy, a twenty-seven-year old ATS [Alliance Theological Seminary] seminarian, who genuinely desires a deeper walk with the Lord.  Now, as Maddy goes after these experiences, she describes them…

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Letter to the Editor: Discouraged and Confused—Why Won’t Pastors Be Honest About Their “New” Spirituality Intentions?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I have been an enthusiastic reader of your information and newsletter that are sent to me. I have ordered some of your books, and I always look forward to your e-mails.  Thank you for your diligent work…

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Father Whose Daughter Attended IF:Gathering Not Happy With LT Article

LTRP Note: After posting this article by C.H. Fisher, we received an e-mail from a father whose daughter attended the IF: Gathering. Please read the e-mail below plus our response: To whom it may concern: I want to state that…

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IF: Gathering: An Emergent Conference for Young Women Exalts Doubt and Diminishes Faith

LTRP Note: This past week, a caller to LT asked if we knew anything about the IF: Gathering with emergent Ann Voskamp. At the time, we had not heard of the conference. “Co-incidentally,” this weekend, C.H. Fisher of Truthkeepers, one…

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Letter to the Editor: Focus on the Family CD I Gave to My Husband Espouses Thomas Merton (And What This Means)

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Thank you for your very important ministry; to warn and keep the Gospel pure. Recently, I gave my husband a few CD’s on a road trip—one being from Focus On The Family: Living Authentically Before The Lord…

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Where Are We Going?

By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails The expression “Where are we going?” is not an uncommon one, but whether it be a child asking a parent or a fellow traveler posing the question, it usually denotes a sense of…

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Alliance Theological Seminary Dean Ron Walborn Recommends NAR Bill Johnson (and more!) for Pastors

By L. Putnam What tool does Christian and Missionary Alliance Theological Seminary dean suggest as a great tech tool to help pastors deal with pressures in today’s church?  The very unsettling “Unseminary” podcast: “Ron Walborn Provides Help to Leaders Dealing with the…

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Letter to the Editor: Beware of Term: “Scripture Engagement”— Bringing in Lectio Divina, Presented by BibleGateway

Hi Lighthouse Trails: I am a recipient of the newsletter, and I recently ran across a new term for Spiritual Formation: “Scripture Engagement.” BibleGateway is now advertising a new feature on their website in partnership with Taylor University: “Taylor University…

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World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland Turns to Mindfulness Meditation

LTRP Note: The following article is posted for research and informational purposes only and not as an endorsement. By David Gelles New York Times “Amid the Chattering of the Global Elite, a Silent Interlude” DAVOS, Switzerland  – For 10 minutes…

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Two Opposite Letters to the Editor About David Jeremiah: 1 Concerned about Recent Broadcast, 1 Upset with LT

Letter #1: Dear Lighthouse Trails: You may already be aware of this, but going into work this morning (5 Jan) I tuned into David Jeremiah’s Turning Point radio broadcast titled “Living a Life Wide Open.” In the broadcast Jeremiah lists…

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That Didn’t Take Long!—Mark Driscoll Resurfaces With New Resource Ministry & Website

According to a Christian Post article dated December 31, 2014 and titled “Former Mars Hill Pastor Mark Driscoll Launches New Website,” the former pastor of the mega church  has started a new resource ministry & website. All we can say…

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2014 LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS YEAR IN REVIEW—Final Part: Top 10 Articles by LT Editors

1. Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham 2. Thomas Nelson Deletes Controversial Material From Jesus Calling 3. Larry Crabb to Join Richard Foster’s Renovare Contemplative Conference – Christian Leaders Continue to Promote Crabb 4. Mark…

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