Dan Kimball Writes to Lighthouse Trails Over Labyrinth Issue – Book Should Be Pulled From the Market

On Sunday night, Dan Kimball, author of The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations, wrote to Lighthouse Trails regarding an article that Kimball wrote on labyrinths in 2001. Kimball stated to us that his article is no longer posted on his website, and he wondered why we still had a link to it. The … [Read more…]

Who Are the Desert Fathers?

“In the early Middle Ages, there lived a group of hermits in the wilderness areas of the Middle East. They were known to history as the desert fathers. “They dwelt in small isolated communities for the purpose of devoting their lives completely to God without distraction. The contemplative movement traces its roots back to these … [Read more…]

Dallas Willard Going Down the Contemplative Road, and Taking Others With Him

Is Dallas Willard a proponent of contemplative spirituality? It seems to be a question that many ask. The UCLA professor and long time working companion of Richard Foster really doesn’t deny it, but yet the question still keeps getting asked. But it is a question that needn’t be asked, for Willard has made it clear … [Read more…]

Zondervan’s Retreats for Pastors – Another Step Towards the Darkness of Mysticism

Zondervan Publishing, new owners of the National Pastors Convention (once owned by Youth Specialties), is now presenting National Pastors Retreats. Ruth Haley Barton, who has partnered with Zondervan, is the featured speaker at these upcoming retreats. The theme of the retreats is “Experiencing a Deeper Connection with God” will surely introduce pastors to contemplative spirituality. … [Read more…]

J. P. Moreland on Spiritual Disciplines

A four part article on the TrueU (Focus on the Family) website written by J. P. Moreland (professor at Talbot School of Theology), espouses the spiritual disciplines (i.e., contemplative spirituality). Moreland says, a “Christian spiritual discipline is a repeated bodily practice” and leaves one to view the Christian life as regimented rituals that just might … [Read more…]

“WHEN YOU PRAY, SAY . . .” – Contemplative Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

by Larry DeBruyn   Between contemplative spirituality and biblical Christianity there reside watershed distinctions between first, the definition, and then, the practice of prayer. Simply stated, prayer is talking to God. In speaking to God, believers are free to disclose their hearts’ deepest longings and vexations to him, including their feelings, fears, secrets, sins, praises, petitions, … [Read more…]

New Term – Same Ol’ Thing

  Contemplative terms always seem to be changing. What is called one thing today may be exchanged for a new term tomorrow. A new term for “Spiritual Direction” is “Soul Care.” In Biola University’s Masters program, Spiritual Formation and Soul Care , the program “trains leaders in soul care to be spiritual mentors, directors and … [Read more…]

Evangelical Covenant Church – Denomination Gone Contemplative

The Evangelical Covenant Church began in the late 1880s “in the biblical instruction of the Lutheran State Church of Sweden, and in the great spiritual awakenings of the nineteenth century.” The denomination has ministries on five continents and claims that it “values the Bible as the Word of God.” Therefore it is with sadness to … [Read more…]

Overlake Church and Revolution Conference

Recently we were contacted by a member of Overlake Church in Redmond, Washington who shared with us concerns about Overlake’s affinity with contemplative and emerging spiritualities. Overlake Church is a non-denominational church that states it “believes the Bible to be divinely inspired and inerrant.” However, this November they will be hosting the Revolution Conference, which … [Read more…]

BACK TO SCHOOL – Is Your College Student Safe?

  Pretty soon, it is back to school, and thousands of teens and young adults will be flooding the doors of Christian colleges and seminaries. For nearly five years now, we have been researching Christian colleges and seminaries, have spoken to countless professors and several presidents and have found that most of these higher education … [Read more…]

Zondervan and the 2007 National Pastor’s Convention – Pulling Out All the Stops

The 2007 National Pastors Convention (presented by Zondervan publishers) carries a heavy-weight line up of speakers. From Ruth Haley Barton to Brian McLaren, next year’s convention will not be lacking in New Age sympathizing, meditation promoting speakers. John Burke, president of Emerging Leadership Initiative, was recently a speaker at the Ancient-Wisdom Conference, and says this … [Read more…]

The Music and the Mystical

by Larry DeBruyn   Music engenders mystical experiences. This can be discerned from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera and lyrics from The Music of the Night: “Night time sharpens heightens each sensation / Darkness wakes and stirs imagination / Silently the senses abandon their defenses / Helpless to resist the notes I write … [Read more…]

COLLEGE WATCH: John Brown University Says Yes to Emerging and Contemplative

According to the Articles of Faith at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, the university believes the Bible is the “inspired, the only infallible, authoritative word of God” and that Jesus Christ is God. But their Bachelor of Science Degree with Major in Youth Ministries may send out a conflicting message. According to the … [Read more…]

Biola University … and Emerging Spirituality

For some time now, Biola University has been promoting contemplative spirituality. Biola’s Institute for Spiritual Formation teaches contemplative prayer, and Biola has a seat on the Board of Directors with the very contemplative Spiritual Formation forum. As is so often the case with those who follow after contemplative, emerging spirituality goes hand in hand. In … [Read more…]