Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham

Editor’s Note: As we continue on with our coverage regarding evangelical leaders and their ecumenical moves toward Roman Catholicism, we once again wish to state that we bear no animosity toward individual Catholics, but we are compelled to challenge these…

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How the New Age Has “Creeped” Into the Church

by Ray Yungen If you have ever wondered why New Age authors and their teachings are creeping past many Christians, then maybe the definition of creeping might help. The term means: slowly advancing at a speed that is not really apparent until you look…

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Letter to the Editor: Please Update Note on Calvary Chapel’s Earlier Statement on Emerging and Purpose Driven

Dear Lighthouse Trails: First of all, thank you for the continue steadfastness and faithfulness to God’s Word while being under a lot of pressure to conform in these the last of the last days. I have been blessed time and…

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BOOK REVIEW: DANGEROUS ILLUSIONS – “Can Save Young Christian Lives From the Age of Apostasy”

DANGEROUS ILLUSIONS . . . has such a tender, romantic heart . . . a sweet-murder-mystery-romance with a tangible love for the young people who are its target audience. It expresses love to a jaded, over-stimulated generation who must know…

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Is Beth Moore’s “Spiritual Awakening” Taking the Evangelical Church Toward Rome?

Editor’s Note: Lighthouse Trails bears no animosity toward Catholics. We have a genuine love and concern for them. However, we are obliged to speak up about the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially as we witness the “emerging” of Protestantism…

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The “Tree of Contemplative Practices” – Is Your Church Practicing Some of These?

By L Putnam Flee From the Tree of Contemplative Practices: Run From its Toxic Fruits! The attractive Tree of Contemplative Practices is laden with enticing fruits for contemplative meditators to partake of. But, beware! For this is not a tree…

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Baptist Church Cancels Gungor Concert for Rejecting Genesis as Literal

LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has posted other articles in the past (see links below) about the “Christian” band called Gungor in connection with its contemplative/emerging beliefs and the appearances at some Calvary Chapel churches (including Greg Laurie’s Harvest Crusade). For…

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The Dangers of Spiritual Formation?—And Some Ways it is Influencing Your Children

By Berit Kjos (author of How to Protect Your Child From the New Age and Spiritual Deception) The Spiritual Formation movement is widely promoted at colleges and seminaries as the latest and the greatest way to become a spiritual leader….

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Lighthouse Trails Authors, Yungen and Smith, To Speak at 2014 Berean Call Conference This Month

Lighthouse Trails authors Ray Yungen and Warren B. Smith will both be speaking at the 2014 Berean Call Summer Conference in Bend, Oregon on August 29-31. The conference is free but pre-registration is required. You may visit The Berean Call’s…

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Is Your Denomination or Church A Sinking Titanic?

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International The Titanic was one of the greatest ships that has ever sailed the seas. When built it was considered unsinkable. Today, when the name Titanic is mentioned, we think of one thing –…

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Sad News – Courageous and Fireproof Filmmakers Include Contemplatives Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer in New Film on Prayer

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for research and informational purposes only and not as an endorsement for CCM magazine. It is with dismay that we have learned that the creators of Fireproof and Courageous (two family-oriented Christian…

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In Jesus Calling: Jesus Contradicts Himself

By Warren B. Smith In Jesus Calling, “Jesus” openly contradicts the true Jesus Christ of Scripture. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the…

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