Category: —For Millennials
LTRP Note: The following Out-of-house news story is posted for informational and research purposes. By Rachel EmmanuelThe Western Journal There’s an event recorded in the Gospel of Matthew in which Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, and his disciples…
By Georgi P. Vins(Pastor in USSR who spent 8 years in Soviet prison camps for his faith | Author of The Gospel in Bonds) Revival At the beginning of the 1960s, the Lord sent a spiritual revival among the Evangelical Baptists1 of…
By Mike Oppenheimer Lying has always been with us but has now reached epidemic proportions having no limits. I’m shocked when I occasionally hear the truth from those who more often lie. The fact is, liars are accepted more quickly…
By Linda HarveyMission America If you are like most people, you are watching with trepidation the unraveling of our culture’s morality and political infrastructure. Where is authentic justice? Authentic science? A trustworthy election? Why do even the courts frequently fail…
By Milton QuintanillaChristian Headlines Kevin Max, a member of the Grammy award-winning Christian band DC Talk, recently stirred up controversy after he identified himself as an “exvangelical”, leading many to think he has departed from the faith. In a tweet over the…
By Tony PearceLight for the Last Days Ministries Are You not from everlasting, O Lord my God, my Holy One? We shall not die. O Lord, You have appointed them for judgment; O Rock, You have marked them for correction. Thou art of purer eyes than…
LTRP Note: Since the inception of Lighthouse Trails in 2002, we have been researching and warning about what is happening in today’s Christian colleges, seminaries, and universities. The letter below from Manny Silva (co-founder of Concerned Nazarenes) (posted with his…
LTRP Note: The following is an article from The Federalist that shows how today’s riots and violence after the death of George Floyd is propagated by Marxist/Socialist-driven instigators who are not helping black people in the cities but rather are…
NEW BOOKLET: S is for Social Justice The Language of Today’s Cultural “Revolution” by Mary Danielsen is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.* The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our…
Former New Age follower Richard Nathan will be interviewed today on the Parker J. Cole Show. Richard will share how Christ rescued him from a life of darkness as a Marxist-Socialist and Atheist. The show will air online at 2pm…
LTRJ Note: In the Bible, there is a small book called Philemon, which tells the story of a slave, his owner, and an apostle of Christ who defended this slave. Today, with our current protests and demonstrations against racism (much…
Louie Giglio is an extremely popular megachurch pastor and author as well as the founder and leader of the Passion conferences, which have drawn in hundreds of thousands of mostly young people since 1997.(1) On the week of March 16th,…