Category: —Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea
10 things you might find useful about the practical aspects of Lighthouse Trails Publishing & Research Project: 1. WEBSITES—We have two main sites:, which is the publishing site and store that sells all our products and, which is…
A new batch of Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea is arriving this week. As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails began a special division nearly seven years ago called The Shepherd’s Garden in which we created our own brand of…
LTRP Note: We get a lot of thank yous for our Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea (which is our own creation), but we don’t usually post those here. But this one has so many good qualities about it, we decided to…
Here are 10 things you might find useful about the practical aspects of Lighthouse Trails Publishing & Research Project. 1. WEBSITES—We have two main sites:, which is the publishing site and store that sells all our products; and,…
Looking Back: It’s been a very busy year for the small staff at Lighthouse Trails. In addition to relocating back to Northwest Montana after a 24-month stay in Oregon, we have been working hard to publish several new Booklet Tracts…
LTRP Note: Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea is a small division of Lighthouse Trails, started in 2010 as a way to help support LT. From the folks at Quality U.S. Products 31 Ways To Use Shepherd’s Bible Verse Tea 1.Make it…
Yesterday, after we announced Lighthouse Trails’ new division, The Shepherd’s Garden, we received an email from a Lighthouse Trails reader asking why we were “getting into the tea business.” The reader said he was very concerned that we were going…