Forest Fire

On September 1, 1894, in the deep woods of Minnesota, a huge forest fire came raging into a little lumber town named Hinckley. As walls of flame roared towards them, the terrified inhabitants raced in panic toward the railroad tracks,…

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Should I or Should I Not Prepare for the Great Tribulation?

By Tony PearceUsed with permission. Rapture or Tribulation—Are We Prepared? When considering the question of the timing of the Rapture, some have brought forward objections including the accusation that the pre-Tribulation view is not preparing people for the time of…

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New Book Release: “Now and Ever, Dear Kristine” by Kevin Reeves

Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce a new book by author and widower Kevin Reeves. Kevin lost his wife in March of 2023. He wrote this book one year later. From the back cover: A thirty-eight-year marriage. A death from…

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Are Today’s Christians Duped by Fatalism?

By David Dombrowski Today, I would like us to ask ourselves, as the body of Christ, a question, “Are we being fooled by a fatalistic mentality?” I believe it’s an important question, and depending on the answer, it could affect…

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A true story taken from Northern Campfires and Indian Wigwams (LT edition) By Egerton Ryerson YoungMissionary to the Cree people in Northern Manitoba in the late 1800s The following incident occurred years ago on the great plains of the Canadian…


“Bearing About in the Body the Dying of the Lord Jesus”

By Harry Ironside Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake,  that…

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From the False “Gods” of the New Age Movement to the True and Living God and Savior—A Testimony

By Mike OppenheimerDirector of Let Us Reason Ministries I was brought up Jewish, went to Shabbat quite faithfully each Friday and celebrated the holydays at the temple and with my family up until about 16 years old. Our family like…

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John Calvin: Where He Got His Theology and His Manner of Life

The following is an extract from Bob Kirkland’s book, Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy (published in 2018 by LT; chapters 1 and 2). By Bob Kirkland When one preacher first meets another preacher, it usually isn’t long until the…

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Christian Reconnaissance

On protecting our minds and souls during a time of growing spiritual warfare By Maria Kneas Spiritual warfare is increasing. The spiritual atmosphere keeps getting darker. And in the world around us, we are seeing more and more evil—shameless, in-your-face…

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Resurrection! by Harry Ironside

By Harry A. Ironside He preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection . . . And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in the which…

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How Much Does the Gospel Weigh?

By David Dombrowski The Gospel is a standard and the central theme of the entire Bible. We can think of it like a balancing scale, weighing truth against error. But how much does the Gospel weigh? That might sound like a foolish…

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“Certain Men Crept In”

By Roger Oakland Jude was called by God to send a message to the church. It seemed the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ was being compromised. Apparently, “certain men crept in unawares” and were the cause of great concern. Jude…

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