Category: —The Emerging Church

Letter to the Editor: Concerns About the Lectio 365 App (aka: Pete Greig and Lectio Divina)

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Are you familiar with the Lectio 365 app? It is being promoted at my church and the small amount of research I’ve done has me concerned. Thank you so much for your boldness in standing up for God’s…

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“Pope to Focolare-Linked Bishops: Help Realize God’s ‘Dream’ of Harmony in World”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. If you are not familiar with the term “God’s Dream,” please read Warren B. Smith’s “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme. In that booklet/article, you will see how that concept is…

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The Turning

By Mike Oppenheimer Lying has always been with us but has now reached epidemic proportions having no limits. I’m shocked when I occasionally hear the truth from those who more often lie. The fact is, liars are accepted more quickly…

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Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not) [and in] a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt…

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Jim Wallis Says Farewell to Sojourners But New College Position Will Continue His “Social Justice” Legacy

By L. Sharp (Guest writer and researcher) I want to share some thoughts regarding Jim Wallis’ recent June 24, 2021 “farewell” to Sojourners: the magazine/movement he began 50 years ago. I was made aware, spiritually, of the dangers of Jim…

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“Largest Teachers’ Union Quietly Removes Pro-CRT Agenda Items From Website”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. By GQ PanThe Epoch Times The nation’s largest teachers’ union has quietly taken down a series of adopted and proposed resolutions from its website, including one that…

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A Parent’s Summary of the Spread of Critical Race Theory At Gordon College

LTRJ Note: The following summary is written by Manny Silva, the founder of Concerned Nazarenes (a watchdog group that began several years ago when the Nazarene denomination began to be heavily indoctrinated with the emerging church). Recently, his son was…

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“DC Talk’s Kevin Max Identifies as an ‘Exvangelical,’ Says He Follows ‘the Universal Christ'”

By Milton QuintanillaChristian Headlines Kevin Max, a member of the Grammy award-winning Christian band DC Talk, recently stirred up controversy after he identified himself as an “exvangelical”, leading many to think he has departed from the faith. In a tweet over the…

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Turning to Fables

By Mary Danielsen While many in the church seem to have fallen asleep at their post and have ceased to “watch therefore,” they seem to have plenty of time and attention to be distracted by “heaps of teachers” out there…

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Letter to the Editor: “Christian” Professor Finds “Warm Welcome” at Wheaton College to Teach and Promote Critical Race Theory

LTRP Note: Because Wheaton College has been promoting and embracing both contemplative spirituality and emergent ideologies for many years (as Lighthouse Trails has documented), it makes perfect sense that they would now embrace the social justice, Marxist-influenced movement. They all…

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Creating Hate: A Commentary by a Former Communist

LTRP Note: The following article is from Manning Johnson’s 1958 book, Color, Communism, and Common Sense (taken from the 2021 Lighthouse Trails special edition). The reason our editors re-published this book is because Mr. Johnson’s words are so relevant they…

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A Word From the Past for Today: “Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors – Now is the Day to Turn Back to God’s Word”

LTRP Note: Ten years ago, author and evangelist Roger Oakland wrote an open letter to evangelical pastors beseeching them to turn away from false teachings, complacency, and ecumenicalism and stand true to God’s Word in these last days. Although Roger…

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