Category: Universalism
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I thank you for the work you are doing for God’s kingdom. I enjoy your newsletters and have been taught many things to steer clear of because of your faithful and great teaching. Thank you from the bottom of…
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. If you are not familiar with the term “God’s Dream,” please read Warren B. Smith’s “GOD’S DREAM”—Satan’s Ultimate Scheme. In that booklet/article, you will see how that concept is…
By Milton QuintanillaChristian Headlines Kevin Max, a member of the Grammy award-winning Christian band DC Talk, recently stirred up controversy after he identified himself as an “exvangelical”, leading many to think he has departed from the faith. In a tweet over the…
By Mary Danielsen While many in the church seem to have fallen asleep at their post and have ceased to “watch therefore,” they seem to have plenty of time and attention to be distracted by “heaps of teachers” out there…
Roma Downey, who has never renounced her extensive New Age involvement, is now firmly entrenched and aligned with contemporary Christian leadership. A number of Christian leaders such as Rick Warren and Greg Laurie* will be speaking at an event in…
NEW BOOKLET: SHACK THEOLOGY: Universalism, TBN, Oprah, and the New Age by Warren B. Smith is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as…
By Warren B. Smith There is nothing new about saying, “I am God.” . . . However, in the Judeo-Christian-Moslem world, God is usually not popularly understood as a universal presence, the ground of all being.1 —New Age leader David…
By Roger Oakland While I believe Rome leads the way with the bold claim that God chose Peter and the succeeding popes to take the title of “Vicar of Christ” and determine what the sheep should or should not believe,…
By Will Maule The graphic artist who played a central role in designing the cover for the controversial novel ‘The Shack’ has said he deeply regrets working on the project, now disagreeing with the book’s contentious theology. “[O]ver 10 years…
NEW BOOKLET: ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ’s Death on the Cross by Roger Oakland is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 10 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I just wanted to share with you how helpful this booklet on The Shack has been to me. Two weeks ago, just a few days after the releasing of The Shack movie, I met with the pastor…
In 2009, Lighthouse Trails posted an article titled “The Shack Author Rejects Biblical Substitutionary Atonement.” The article was largely based on an interview that The Shack author William Paul Young did. Below is a partial transcript of the interview between…