1. Sharon

    Thanks for posting that article. Besides the biblical encouragement, a good reminder that there is nothing new under the sun. I really appreciated your link to the Athey Creek , Oregon sermon, also. I needed that. I’m sorry I don’t live closer to them, I think I’d finally have a church home! Good to know I can tune in anytime, though.
    God Bless you and all of your readers!!

  2. GJ

    To declare racism, is it racism, itself?

    God created us with unique features, and yes, different skin colors. To shame, or single out, any person for this… is it not the same as being ashamed of being created male or female? We’re not all the same “carbon copy”.

    The world is trying to erase gender… the identity of an individual… the image of male and female created in the image of God… which according to God, also includes a national identity. Israel will be a nation, and there will be Gentile nations, after Christ Jesus returns.

    Are there atrocious abuses in this world? Yes, it’s not limited to race… it includes the “discrimination” against the lives and business that have been destroyed in the last few months in the name of… “self-righteousness”—that “I’m a god who gets to choose who suffers and who is vindicated”.

    Slavery is not the end of all—through it, Judah was saved out of Babylon… I’m saved out of this world if I stay submitted as the Lord’s slave. Through “captivity”, we’re saved—fight it off at all costs and we perish. https://hopeishereblog.wordpress.com/willing/

  3. Jeffry

    The Apostle Paul told us in Philippians 1:21, TO LIVE is Christ and
    TO DIE is gain. Paul tells us living for Christ is our goal in our time here on earth. Am I being Christ like? Reading my Bible? Preaching the Gospel? If I die before Christ comes for us my gain would be being with Him waiting for that last soul to be saved here on earth to complete his Church. Philemon is a wonderful book about God’s forgiveness. May this little book help us to remember who we are and who we Live for.

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