By L. Putnam
A recent Facebook Post captioned: “Help Your Child Achieve Calmness!” showed a picture of a little girl sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, hands out, and with her fingers fixed in a mudra position. What finger position is that? To be precise, it is the “Gyan Mudra” or “Chin Mudra” finger position in which the index finger touches the thumb tip to form as perfect a circle as possible with the other fingers extending upward.
Why do people do this? Yoga aficionado Gertud Hirschi, in her book Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands, tells us why: “We can effectively engage and influence our body and our mind by bending, crossing, extending, or touching the fingers with other fingers.” Hirschi goes on to pinpoint just what this finger position really means: “The thumb is symbolic of cosmic (divine) and the index finger is symbolic of individual (human) consciousness. The ultimate goal … is oneness of humanity with cosmic consciousness.”
Now, the purpose of this article is to inform teachers, parents, and grandparents that when either a child or adult uses mudra gestures, along with mantras, one is setting himself up to open up body areas designated as chakras. So, readers beware, each mudra gesture has far more wrapped up in in it than you might imagine; and it is not just an innocent finger technique to get one into a calmed state. To find out more–more on mudras, chakras, and mantras read on.
Mudra Information:
Mudra Definition: (muh–drah) A mudra is a symbolic or ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Indian religions. (Wikipedia) Right up front, these gestures are spiritual, but most definitely not Christian! For nowhere in Scripture do we read of various ways to fix our fingers; as a matter of fact Scripture does not even tell us to fold our hands! However, it does tell us that we can stretch out our hands toward heaven, and call to the Lord who will hear our prayer. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
Read Berit Kjos’ book How to Protect Your Child From the New Age and Spiritual Deception
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