by Mike Oppenheimer
Let Us Reason Ministries
While Terry Jones wanted to burn the Qur’an there are pastors that want to read the Qur’an in church to their congregations. In response to a local Qur’an burning, Larry Reimer, a minister of the United Church of Gainesville, decided to read Scripture from the Qur’an as part of worship services on September 12, 2010, prodded further about religious relatives. “Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all part of the Abrahamic tree of faith. We all believe in the same God, and in many aspects we are all trying to accomplish the same goals.”
Islam recital in Methodist church
This GROWING TREND is a natural slide to the bottom for common ground to have a peaceful coexistence. There is a movement saying that other religions are as valid as “Christianity.” Unfortunately the way Christianity is practiced today, there may be some truth to this. But if one were to go by the Bible and live Christianity the way it was originally taught, it becomes as different as night and day (Christianity being the day.
Chrislam is an interfaith movement that is a dialogue with Islam – a syncretistic movement that speaks about “spirituality without boundaries.” These churches, softening John 14:6, are opening the door to allow the conversion of their people. Because to them it matters not what you are anymore. For the most part, the majority of these churches are already removed from the faith, so this is expected in the days we live in.
It was Robert Schuller, pastor of Crystal Cathedral, that began this process by housing the offices for “Christians and Muslims for Peace.” Schuller had told an Imam of the Muslim American Society that “if he came back in 100 years and found his descendants Muslims, it wouldn’t bother him….” (The Berean Call (April 1998), -What’s Happening to the Faith? by Dave Hunt ). That should bother any authentic Christian, but not those who espouse the “new Christianity” of our modern times.
The assumption is that Christians and Muslims all worship the same God; they, along with the Jews, are all faiths from Abraham. This is something we have steadily warned about for years. When you see people make the name Allah acceptable, that it is suitable for a Christian to pray in his name because it is the same God, or that Muslim converts can continue to go into their Mosques and pray and worship as if nothing happened to them, this is leading Christians toward accepting the Qur’an as equal in inspiration as the Bible (both Old and New Testament) when it contradicts it more than it agrees. Click here to continue reading.
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