By Garrett Haley
Christian News Network
As states across the country grapple with the controversial ‘Common Core’ educational guidelines, many Christian homeschooling families and organizations are leading the charge against the standards, asserting that they threaten parents’ rights to educate their children.
Several states—including Texas, Virginia, Indiana, Oklahoma, and, most recently, Louisiana—have all taken steps to partially or completely opt out of the Common Core curriculum. The nationalized Common Core standards would require schools to meet certain learning benchmarks at each grade level, but some educators and lawmakers are skeptical about the program.
“We’re very alarmed about choice and local control of curriculum being taken away from our parents and educators,” Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stated in a recent press conference.
In addition to educators and lawmakers, many Christian homeschooling families and homeschooling organizations have expressed opposition to Common Core. BJU Press, a leading publisher of Christian homeschooling materials, strongly condemned the motive behind the new standards. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
NEW PRINT BOOKLET TRACT: A “Common Core” For a Global Community by Berit Kjos
Video on Common Core Curriculum Shows Indoctrination of Children in Public Schools