Christian Leaders Still Promoting “Purpose Driven Life”

In 1995, Rick Warren came out with his book, Purpose Driven Church. A large number of respected, trusted Christian leaders endorsed that book. The first four pages of the book carry some of these names. Since the release of that book, Warren has endorsed many anti-biblical teachings and movements, including contemplative and the emerging church. One would think that the Christian leaders who endorsed Rick Warren back in 1995 have now realized they were mistaken about their endorsement of this man and would come forth publicly to set the record straight so that others would not be led astray. But alas, Rick Warren continues down the slippery path of deception, and the “leaders” of Christendom remain silent.

When Purpose Driven Church hit the market, most people still didn’t know who Rick Warren was. Nevertheless, an impressive list of Christian leaders placed their names and glowing remarks in his book. The late Bill Bright (Campus Crusade founder) called the book “a rare treasure of godly wisdom.” Jim Henry, then the Southern Baptist Convention president said he would make the book “required reading for every seminary student.” Thom Rainer (Dean, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) said the book is “destined to be a classic” and would be required reading for students. Jerry Falwell called Saddleback Church a “miracle story,” Jack Hayford (president Foursquare Church) said that “God has used Rick Warren as an effective instrument,” and the late Adrian Rogers said the book is a “must-read” for every pastor. A remark by one endorser likened Warren to Spurgeon, and another said that Purpose Driven Church was a “blueprint” for the 21st century church.

Eleven years later, 400,000 churches have done the Purpose Driven program, and popularity for Warren’s global plan does not seem to be wavering. Ministries endorsing Warren, selling his books, and promoting his agenda are too many to count. And even though Rick Warren has, on many occasions, downplayed biblical Christianity by his interfaith, interspiritual remarks, Christian leaders seem to rally around him as much as ever.

Here is a list of some of the organizations that are still wholeheartedly standing by the Purpose Driven Life and all it entails:

Focus on the Family

American Family Association

Foursquare Denomination

Southern Baptist Convention

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association


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