Christian Post: “Moody Bible Institute Takes Bold Step to Affirm Biblical Inerrancy”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Julie Roys
Christian Post

In wake of allegations that not all its faculty affirm biblical inerrancy, the Moody Bible Institute took a bold step to define and strengthen its position on inerrancy, and to hold its faculty accountable.

In an email sent to faculty and alumni, the institute announced it is adopting the Short Statement of the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, as well as its Articles of Affirmation and Denial. The institute further stated that all faculty will be required to sign an affirmation of the Chicago Statement as a condition of employment beginning with the 2018-2019 academic year. Click here to continue reading.

8 thoughts on “Christian Post: “Moody Bible Institute Takes Bold Step to Affirm Biblical Inerrancy”

  1. Searching out to find truth about Moody Bible Institute Spiritual Formation Distance Learning Course of Study…is heresy promoted and practiced?

  2. A good study for Bible believing Christians is to look at textual criticism from the 1800s that has now swept Bible colleges, churches and denominations.

  3. It is important that christians realise that the Chicago statement is a ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ for what it states and then denies in its ‘exposition’ at the end. Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones had done an excellent expose of the duplicity of the statements.

  4. You need to check http://www.standard and their assessment of the Chicago statements. They are misleading people to believe they believe in inerrancy when they do not!

  5. Check out Dr. Floyd Nolan Jones assessment of these articles compared to the footnotes .

  6. Please read the notes to the articles at the end where they deny everything they posted.

  7. Great news, howerver, we tried to use the Chicago statement to explain to our past church board and pastor and they interpreted it to mean only the original autograph’s that no longer exist. This was a small EFCA past bible believing chrurch in north central Minnesota. Very sad and frustrating for us.

  8. This is good news yet sad that it is even necessary. LTRP has many articles of Moody’s drift into, what I see as, apostasy they have a long long way to go to return to the narrow path. I pray this is a trend to return to the gospel.

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