LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails receives a growing number of letters from those who are incarcerated in U.S. prisons. The men and women who write all profess their faith in Jesus Christ, having become believers while in prison. In almost every letter we receive, the prisoner tells us that false doctrines (ecumenism, Purpose Driven, seeker friendly, contemplative, emerging, etc.) are rampant within the prison in which he or she resides. We know that Purpose Driven made big inroads into the prisons beginning some years ago when Chuck Colson and Rick Warren made plans to team up and bring Purpose Driven to prisons across America. In most of the letters we receive, there is a sense of deep concern expressed for the spiritual well being of fellow inmates in a growing apostate atmosphere (much like the letters and calls we receive from those in the “outside” world). Lighthouse Trails does what we can to encourage and support these prisoners by sending materials as we are able to.
Harry Ironside gave a sermon (that can be watched – see below) about the servant, Onesimus, who worked for Philemon and who after stealing from his master, fled and eventually ended up in prison with the apostle Paul who led the man to the Lord. It’s a beautiful account of the Gospel wherein Paul writes to Philemon and asks him to forgive his servant, receive him back into his household as now a brother, and charge the offense to Paul’s account.
Let us remember those believers who are imprisoned, having once walked in darkness but now, by His grace and mercy, walk in the light of our Savior.
And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:11)
Dear friends in Christ,
I am an inmate in the ________________Department of Corrections, and I came to know Christ while I was in prison. My Dad was a Bible-believing, Bible-preaching pastor who started many churches while I was growing up. He believed that salvation came through none other than Jesus Christ and not by any works that we have done or can do.
When I left home, I began rebelling against what I had been taught and slowly began to move into the area of witchcraft. After coming to prison, I became a full-fledged Wiccan High Priest. I have enclosed a copy of a Gospel tract that I wrote which is a very condensed version of my testimony of the saving power of Jesus Christ and the ability of Jesus Christ to take the lowest sinner and make him into a man of God.
At first, the Prison Chapel had many services that preached the Bible and Salvation through Christ alone. Sadly, those services, though they have the same name, no longer preach that. Now, it is we are all one with contemplative silence and a new spirituality, which is not new but are old Pagan practices I left. At this point, I cannot find any services offered in the Chapel that are Bible-believing churches that teach that Christ is the only way to salvation. They all include some form of the New Age Spirituality, and I do not know what to do. There are few, if any, who agree with me, and I am sorely criticized for not following in this “new awakening.” None listen to my warnings.
I want to give my strongest thanks for being a light in the darkness. This newsletter was sent to by some friends who also believe as I do and who are vigilantly proclaiming Jesus Christ.
In Christian love and grace,
(Photo from bigstockphoto; used with permission.)