“‘Christian’College Now Giving Students Pronoun Options”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes from an out-of-house source.

By Bob Unruh | WorldNetDaily

Can pick from: ‘He/Him/His, She/Her/Hers, They/Them/Theirs, Xie/Hir/Hirs and Ze/Zir/Zirs’

A Christian college, the Methodist Emory University in Atlanta, has announced a plan that gives students a choice as to the pronouns by which they are identified in school records.
The Methodist church in America is one of the traditional denominations that have come under the influence of various secular social agendas, including the LGBT agenda, and just days ago, more than 100 Florida churches filed a lawsuit to leave the United Methodist Church conference.
That follows numerous cases of individual churches fleeing the liberal agenda of the association’s leadership. . . .

Students will claim their preferred pronouns through the school’s online system for making payments and registering for classes.

The school promises that after a student makes a choice, those pronouns will be used on class rosters and elsewhere. Click here to continue reading.

(Photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

3 thoughts on ““‘Christian’College Now Giving Students Pronoun Options”

  1. Methodists have been ordaining gay men and women as priests for a long time. This is just the next logical humanistic step toward the prophesied apostacy.

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