CHRISTIANITY TODAY: Contemplative for Children

Children have become a particular target for those who promote New Age and contemplative spiritualities. Movies like Bee Season and Indigo Children are examples of this, and many public schools are introducing meditation practices to students. Christendom may take the lead in teaching children how to practice the spiritual discipline of meditation.

One of the largest Christian magazines in North America has been promoting contemplative and the emerging church for some time. The online edition of Christianity Today (celebrating their 50th anniversary) has an article titled – “Elementary Disciplines: Spiritual formation for little lambs” According to the article, spiritual disciplines for children can be learned from contemplatives Richard Foster and Dallas Willard as well as Theophan, the Recluse. The article also suggests getting a spiritual director to help towards spiritual maturity.

For more information:

Christian Schools Introducing Students to Mysticism Proponent

Ancient Wisdom for Babies


“Do You Really Want Your Child to Learn New Age Meditation?”

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