Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

(photo from a 2-second video clip on YouTube; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act)

The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not) [and in] a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

By L. Sharp

Beth Moore Background

Beth Moore has been moving away from the Bible for a while now. Lighthouse Trails has documented over the years her becoming a proponent of contemplative prayer, “emergent” doctrine, and ecumenism (most notably with Roman Catholicism).

See link:

Beth Moore publicly announced on March 9, 2021 that she was “no longer a Southern Baptist”

See link:

Recently, on Twitter (July 21, 2021), she decided to vent her frustrations, specifically aimed at the fact 6 Southern Baptist Seminary Presidents had signed a statement in Nov. 2020, declaring that Critical Race Theory (CRT) was “incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message”.

This Nov. 2020 statement was a shift from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) 2019 statement calling CRT “insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes” of societal ills, but could be used as an “analytical tool to aid.” Perhaps her criticism of the SBC has escalated, after the more recent June 2021 SBC Convention, where the SBC shifted very clearly toward non-support of CRT.


BACKGROUND OF SBC’s (Southern Baptist Convention) shifting statements regarding CRT
I thought it would be helpful to give you a background of SBC’s statements the last 3 years regarding CRT.

1) 2019 Statement:

In June 2019, the SBC affirmed the following regarding CRT:
WHEREAS, Critical race theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient [emphasis mine] to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid [emphasis mine] in evaluating a variety of human experiences;
see link:


2) No 2020 Statement:

No SBC Meeting June 2020 (b/c of COVID-19)


3) 2021 Statement:

In June 2021, the SBC affirmed the following regarding “race and racial reconciliation” in the passing of Resolution #2:

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 15–16, 2021, affirm the sufficiency of Scripture on race and racial reconciliation; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our agreement with historic, biblically-faithful Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in all forms; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that finds the ultimate identity of human beings in ethnicity or in any other group dynamic [emphasis mine]; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that sees the primary problem of humanity as anything other than sin against God and the ultimate solution as anything other than redemption found only in Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, We, therefore, reject any theory or worldview that denies that racism, oppression, or discrimination is rooted, ultimately, in anything other than sin; and be it further

RESOLVED, That, understanding we live in a fallen world, we reaffirm the 1995 Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention, which includes, “That we apologize to all African-Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously (Psalm 19:13) or unconsciously (Leviticus 4:27),” applying this disposition to every instance of racism; [emphasis mine]

see link:

4) Statement Beth Moore tweeted about:

On Nov.30, 2020 this statement was adopted by the Council of Seminary Presidents of the SBC:

“On this twentieth anniversary year of the Baptist Faith & Message (as revised and adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000), the Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in its annual session, hereby reaffirms with eagerness the Baptist Faith & Message as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention. Our six seminaries are confessional institutions, standing together in this classic statement of biblical truth. All professors must agree to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message. This is our sacred commitment and privilege, and every individual faculty member and trustee of our institutions shares this commitment. We are thankful for the theological commitments of the Southern Baptist Convention, standing against the tide of theological compromise and in the face of an increasingly hostile secular culture.

In light of current conversations in the Southern Baptist Convention, we stand together on historic Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in any form and we also declare that affirmation of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and any version of Critical Theory is incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message.” [emphasis mine]

see these 3 links:


BETH MOORE’S July 21, 2021 Tweet in response to above Nov.30, 2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement—

Here is Beth Moore’s tweet in full:

“I hope to write calmly and clearly this AM. In my estimation, the handwriting was on the wall that this witch-hunt was tragically inevitable when the 6 SBC seminary presidents signed the statement declaring CRT incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message BECAUSE 1) It wasn’t made clear to many what qualifies as CRT & what does NOT. 2) Many people aren’t going to do the homework on how to differentiate between CRT & BIBLICAL priorities of justice & BIBLICAL mandates against injustice. If you don’t think God frowns on injustices committed or blessed by people who claim to belong to him, you simply aren’t reading your Bible. I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst. 3) Because of 1 & 2, the moment someone preaches, teaches or speaks against racism or injustice, many church congregations, Christian organizations, students & faculty members of Christian universities & seminaries are now primed to see devils behind every bush and holler “CRT!!”

I beg you to hear me here: godly people are losing their jobs and WILL lose their jobs by the hundreds over this witch hunt for simply teaching Biblical righteousness. They are no more proponents of CRT than they are horned toads. I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

I’m not an academic. I’m a Bible studying Jesus freak who loves the church. I’ll inevitably have said some of this poorly. I require a lot of grace and I ask you look to the heart of it and test the spirit. I have written these things in love and deep concern.”

Here is her July 21, 2021 Twitter thread documenting the above Tweet–


Regarding Beth Moore

1) It is not surprising that Beth Moore is angry towards SBC and their move away from support for CRT. She left SBC, so now she can freely criticize unfiltered. But, why is Beth Moore so angry at these “witch-hunter” SBC Seminary Presidents? Her anger against SBC and their recent stand of non-support of CRT, reveals her lack of understanding of CRT, and her lack of biblical discernment.

2) Lighthouse Trails explains CRT well. So, we don’t have to be confused about what it is all about.

The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” points out, on p.6:

Critical Race Theory, which was birthed in the 1980s by lawyers and social activists, has to do with seeing people from a critical perspective as belonging to specific identity groups (e.g. whites, blacks, lesbians, feminists, genders) whereby each group is categorized as either “oppressor” or “oppressed.” It is the creation of “cultural Marxism” wherein the two categories are pitted against the complete overturning of the present system.

Also, on p.7 the booklet goes on to say:

Critical Race theorists believe in institutional (or systemic) racism; that is, racism is so integrated into our American society
that “the systems in place [e.g.,capitalism] . . . create and maintain racial inequality in nearly every facet of life for people of color.” Furthermore, they say that all white people, whether they think, talk, or act like it or not, are racist because they are privy to “white privilege” and should therefore be in a perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.

3) Beth Moore complained about the Nov.2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement of CRT being “incompatible” with the Baptist Faith and Message.  She calls this the beginning of their “witch-hunt.” Merriam-Webster’s online definition of “witch-hunt” is: the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views (see link:

Is the SBC on a “witch-hunt”? If so, against whom? “Godly” people who support CRT (Critical Race Theory)? In her tweet, Moore basically “warns” the SBC seminary presidents by saying: “I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst.”

It appears that Beth Moore is accusing the SBC Seminary Presidents of “dealing unjustly” or “standing by silently in the midst” (midst of what? so-called “systemic injustice”?). And, according to Beth Moore, she accuses those men of not reading the prophets properly, because if they did, they would know “what kind of hell there can be to pay” for people like “them.”

Who are people like “them”? Does Beth Moore’s stereotyping of the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” sound like divisive talk, pitting one group against another? For a self-proclaimed non-proponent of CRT, Beth Moore paints the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” (the anti-CRT folks), and herself (along with “godly people”) as “us” (who see systemic injustice everywhere).

CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview

What Beth Moore does not realize is that CRT, at its core, is an anti-gospel worldview. Why?

  1. CRT is a secular worldview, so it is inherently an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview.
  2. CRT’s view of sin, humanity and redemption is anti-gospel.  
  3. Sin: According to CRT, humanity’s original sin is “racism”. According to the Bible, man’s original sin is disobedience to God’s command (Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden). See Genesis 3.
  4. Humanity: According to CRT, humanity is ever trying to “better” itself. According to the Bible, humanity (individual people), can never “better” itself. Each person, because of his or her sin, can only turn to God, acknowledging his or her sin and disobedience against Him, and then God alone can restore God’s image in him or her. This is not becoming “better,” but becoming the man or woman God has created him or her to be (according to the Bible and its standard, not humanity’s standards). See Jer.17:9; Psalm 51:5; 1 John 1:10; Romans 3:23; 5:12,19; Eph.2:1-2.
  5. Redemption: According to CRT, there is no redemption. According to the Bible, there is individual, personal redemption in the cross of Jesus Christ. There is individual forgiveness and reconciliation with God (and with each other), through the death and resurrection (and shed blood) of Jesus Christ. God can redeem, and there is hope in His Son Jesus Christ alone and in believing the gospel. See Colossians 1:14; Ephesians 1:7; Heb. 9:14.

More specifically, according to CRT, there are only two groups of people: the oppressor and the oppressed; the victimizer and the victim; the haves and have-nots; the “us” and “them.” But, there is no redemption. There is no forgiveness. There is no reconciliation. There is no end to the “penance.”  The sin is not biblical sin (Romans 3:23), but the sin is “racism.”

The only solution offered by CRT is for the “oppressors” (whites) to pay perpetual “penance” for their “sin” of racism, whether conscious or unconscious, known or unknown.  CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview that offers no hope of healing, restoration, or reconciliation (between one another, or with God).

Whether or not you agree with the SBC Seminary Presidents’ most recent statement (of Nov. 2020), they were making a statement of their stance regarding CRT. Did this statement of their beliefs start a “witch-hunt” (as Beth Moore alleges)? Even if that were true, who exactly were the SBC Seminary Presidents searching out and deliberately harassing?

Beth Moore and CRT
Beth Moore seems to be a proponent of CRT (based on her July 21, 2021 tweet), whether she knows it or not. Who is she defending? People of color? “Godly people” who are not opposed to CRT? She already is feeling guilty for America’s “systemic injustice.”  Look at the language in her tweet. She says:

I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic    injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

The most concerning statement in her tweet was her insinuation that anyone who does not support CRT is somehow “spreading lies” that are harmful and sinful. And she is accusing such Christians as telling lies, “in order to protect our positions and power structures.”  Sounds like CRT language to me.

She states unequivocally, that it is an “obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it.” I agree that this is not necessarily “equal to CRT,” but it is a red flag that she is being influenced by CRT. CRT includes the pre-conceived generalized assumption that “systemic injustice” is already an inherent, structural, societal problem, and categorizes people of color as the “oppressed”, and whites as the “oppressor.” One of the basic assumptions of CRT is a blind belief that “systemic injustice” in whatever form (racism, oppression towards poor, etc.) does exist in society, period. The word “systemic” is used by CRT proponents to indoctrinate people into believing that all social structures and systems in America, are, at their core, full of injustice.

Again, Beth Moore appears to be a proponent of CRT, but doesn’t realize it . . .

What About SBC?

The SBC’s most current statements regarding “race and racial reconciliation” and CRT reveal they still are believing the basic lie of CRT: specifically, they are still “repenting” and apologizing for their history of racism, whether it was conscious or unconscious, aware or unaware. The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not). The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” on p.7, describes this as a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

Final Comments

Let’s pray that CRT gets exposed as a secular, and thus anti-gospel/unbiblical, worldview.  Let’s pray that those who loyally follow Beth Moore and/or SBC have their eyes opened to CRT as a demonic deception, leading believers down a dark path.

Colossians 2:8: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

1 John 4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

10 thoughts on “Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?

  1. She is. But there’s nothing inadvertent, or surprising, about it for a Bible believer. This is the fruit of denying Christ & disobedience, ending in bed with the antichrist system & fornicating union of dead, deceived Laodicea.

  2. All these blind church leaders who still follow her will not look for truth. I pray their eyes opened somehow by the Holy Spirit. Anyone with one working braincell can see exactly what is wrong with her theology. This has gradually taken over her whole persona. I think partially it stems from being a victim. She clings to that status.

  3. I appreciate all your comments, only to add that these 6 Seminary professors are double -tongued. Their public statements repel CRT & I, but ALL 6 of the seminaries they head are permitted to teach the doctrine they claim to deny. Dr. Al Mohler (who I consider the mentor of the other 5), was recently and openly criticized for allowing Curtis Wood, Jarvis Williams and Matthew Hall to vigorously promote CRT & I at his Southern Seminary in Louisville. While Wood has moved on, Mohler said of Hall (his Provost), “If I believed Matt Hal was a danger to Southern Seminary he would not be Provost.” Like a liberal dodging an obvious yes/no reply to a Fox News investigator, Mohler conveniently dodged the entire issue. As an x-S. Baptist for this and several other reasons, it is my sad projection that this kind of double talk will further gut the SBC of good men and precipitate an even more obvious, Ezekiel-like removal of God’s hand, presence and glory. If denominational repentance does not come,, we may be witnessing the decline and final days of God using the SBC in demonstrative ways. There will be exceptions, as God always has a remnant. But look for the SBC to become but a shell of what it once was. Pastor Gregory Allen, State College, Pa.

  4. Reply to Elizabeth Bennett: YES, Beth Moore has been going down the wrong path for years. I attended a couple of “Bible studies” (actually, the study of books she wrote) several years ago and saw this for myself.

    I saw the digression of her teachings from God’s Word firsthand (adding her own interpretation), even a quote from a man who is extremely ungodly and boldly contradicts God’s Word! It greatly troubled me to the point that I could not in good conscience attend the book studies anymore.

  5. We are in a spiritual war between Good and evil. CRT is Government Sponsored Racism that is part of Satanists plan to eliminate Christianity in America then the World. Beth Moore has joined Ecumenism with the Roman Catholics and a Pope that says taking the vaccines is a “Act of Love”? No, it is “spreading lies” that will murder millions of God’s Creation. We are in spiritual war with Satan and his demonic angels. Please understand that a coup attempt against America is real. Sadly, America by removing our troops from Afghanistan means thousands upon thousands of their people will soon by headed to America to escape death. Our borders are still open to many aliens that are still coming to America. Pray for God’s Grace and wisdom to turn people to God’s Son in loving kindness. Gather and pray while we still have chance to turn people to the one who loved us and washed away our sins with His own Blood. Keep looking up for our Savior.

  6. She has been going down the wrong path for many yrs. and leading many astray. Very sad and concerning.

  7. The number of comments [by Beth Moore] that appear to deflect, accuse without evidence presented, or just appear to be strawmen arguments seem to go beyond just phrasing things “poorly”.

    “Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures.”

    Who’s “we”? Does that include me? What are the lies of which I’m / we’re accused, and how did I / we spread them? She says she begs us to hear her, and the words used with an evident accusatory approach speak volumes.

  8. Well done, Lighthouse.

    Charley, the Moore lady has some typical, not-so-subtle warnings for those she obviously despises as many other man-made movements have for those who dare to disagree with them (because then you disagree with the sovereign god and so on). Moore has been apostate since I can remember, but I think she has said it best when she called herself a “Jesus freak,” the emphasis not being on Jesus though.

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