Upheaval: “a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.”
LTRP Note: The following comments are from Lighthouse Trails readers over the past several days.
I heard from a friend in California last night. Her home is near an area where businesses are boarding up their windows and doors because of riots and that’s also not far from her workplace. She is staying with some friends right now who live far from the riots. At this point she is still going to work, but she may start working from home if this continues. She has been skeptical in the past about things like this — ironically, she thought the mainstream media made things seem worse than they really were (which they do if they’re talking about conservatives) — but is seeing the truth firsthand now.
The Lord saved me on August 1st 1983 at the age of 32. While in college, I was a rebel without a clue. A liberal wanting to change the world. Marxist Ideology was in full swing. I was “championing the oppressed.” Marxist leaders could call all of us “Useful Idiots.” Why? Because we were helping them to destroy our own society for their Communist cause. Most of the media today is owned by Marxist/Communist satanists. Good is bad and bad is good. They are liars. Truth is bad. The riots are good to them. Riots are bad to us. Many in our government seem to side with rioters and have been handcuffing the police. Pray for peace. We live in dangerous times.
David Horowitz, who was raised hard-line Communist (as was Obama, whose mom and her parents, who raised him, were radical communists), says there is no real difference between socialism and communism. He says that if our country goes “socialist,” it will become communist. That is their agenda (2016 and onward was “supposed” to be Part 3) and the great majority of our national media are in bed with them, totally complicit.
Anyone who ever had to read 1984 in school knows that it didn’t happen by that year (by the grace of God), but there is a whole cadre of “leaders” who want to lead us in that direction. They were thwarted in 2016 and have been out for revenge ever since. Hence the false attacks on the current president from Day One, and now the current events of this election year, and how they have all been / are being reported.
This poor man [David Dorn]! This is how his life ended, bleeding in the street like a dog? No one helped? No one cared? “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” Matthew 24:12 NKJV Not one mention of this in the leftist media! Why? Because Mr. Dorn didn’t fit the narrative! There is dominance in fear and emotionalism and the media perpetuates this narrative 24/7! It’s sickening “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” 2 Timothy 3:13 KJV
Do the preachers in the pulpits stand against the atrocities of abortion, the highest numbers being in the African American communities? I’ll wait! Still waiting! Where’s the peaceful protests, riots, looting? It’s appalling to watch the utter destruction of people’s livelihoods and communities! Praying for the families of Mr. Floyd and Mr. Dorn. Let’s stand firm brothers and sisters🙏🏽
There is black on black murder daily in Chicago and Dems do not care. Chicago never improves. Most of the babies aborted at Planned Parenthood are black. Dems do not care. Margaret Sanger, who started Planned Parenthood, or is championed by them was an extreme racist, saying that there were superior races and other races should be sterilized, something she actually did to those she deemed unfit for procreation.
I do remember the fact that God was booed at the DNC [Democrat National Convention]. I also remember the fact that the Obama administration was hostile toward Bible-believing Christians, that courts were forcing them to pay draconian fines, go to jail, and even lose their businesses (their livelihoods, by which they supported their families) if they could not in good conscience violate God’s Word in order to provide services for weddings. That was just one issue; there were many more.
David Horowitz (raised Communist; now a conservative) has written a book about that administration’s hostility toward Bible-believing Christians. Even though he is not one, he saw that very clearly. Radical Son is his autobiography, and very enlightening in the wake of current events re: socialists in this country who want to turn our country in that direction. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to understand what has happened in our nation since the 1960s/’70s, what has brought us to where we are now.
The word slave comes from the word Slavic because hundreds of yrs. ago Muslims would kidnap women in the slavic northern countries to put into Arabic harems. The Hebrews were slaves for hundreds of yrs. in Egypt. Hebrews owned slaves but had to free them every 7 years if they desired to be free. The slave trade still continues in Africa when Muslims kidnap non-Muslims and force them to become Muslims. The first anti-slavery movement in the West started with Evangelical preachers and evangelists in Great Britain; this movement went west and continued with Evangelical preachers in America. . . . A person should not be judged by the color of his/her skin but on the content of character. God does not see the color of our skin but only our heart. Racial division was encouraged by the Obama administration and friends. . . The brother of George Floyd is extremely saddened by the violence and riots that have followed. His brother would not have condoned the horror that has come, which is political and funded to some degree by G. Soros. Some are paid rioters. Much of what has happened has nothing to do with George Floyd. Even the Fairfax District in L.A. was vandalized–a Jewish area.
Having been born & raised in Santa Monica, my understanding is that it would take very little manpower to post guard on Ocean, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & Lincoln by Wilshire, Arizona, Broadway & Colorado. The business-heavy 3rd Street Promenade & Santa Monica Place are within this very small section of town right next to the police dept. In my estimation, there is no excuse for looters. None. My almost daughter (whom I’ll call Witness) was on a road trip in Santa Monica Sun 5/31/20 & Facetimed me on 4th & Broadway around noon, just a block from the Vans Shoe Store. Police had already blocked off the nearby California Incline & San Vicente access to Ocean Ave, so how come they could not secure a few more city blocks?!
Witness later parked near 16th above Wilshire & walked back to downtown area to see what she could see, noting five helicopters. Must have been the scripted news crews because just one true police copter zooming in on an area would send thousands to flight. How sad that with five coptors overhead, Witness noted seven men dressed in black going in to business on Wilshire & Lincoln with trash bags. She said she was the only one seeing this. There’s a famous saying: “All the world’s a stage,” brought to us by an entity known as Shakespeare—perhaps one person, or maybe a group of 50 or more working as a team. An SM classmate of mine who makes movies said the “looting” appeared to be well-organized. Together, Everyone Achieves More. Who is this…
Christians of all races have barely spoken up against the culture promoted now which is destroying the family unit. Crime is rampant among the many fatherless among us, regardless of color. Sin is rampant and unchecked now. May true Christians not succumb to hearts that wax cold because of the abounding iniquity, as Jesus spoke about.
A lot of issues have been about race ever since African Americans were stolen by white so-called Christians and brought to America as slaves. The white church did nothing to combat slavery except for a few white godly abolitionists. They were true Christians. The white church did nothing to combat the evils of Jim Crow. The only changes that really occurred were through peaceful protests that changed laws. The white church especially the evangelical church (not all white Christians) has not really stood up against racism. There is a stance against abortion, which it should be, but my question is when will the white church fully stand up against racism? America has never apologized or really dealt with the evils committed to African Americans and the results are what we see today. African Americans are tired of being mistreated and devalued. I do not condone rioting and looting but understand it even though it is wrong. The left CANNOT be blamed for division…our country has always been divided!
Racism is a condition of the heart until the heart changes racism will continue. This is why the gospel needs to be preached and at the same time, the white church needs to speak out and fight against the evils of racism. I believe that if so-called Christians would have fought racism in the past and not had been purveyors of it, we would not see what we see today.
Editor’s Note: While we sense and sympathize with the pain and distress of the above reader’s comment, we cannot agree with all of his statements.
It’s sad that “Christians” get blamed by so many for racism when Darwin’s evolutionary ideologies that have permeated our schools and society have done much much more damage. And . . . not everyone who says they are Christian are actually that. A truly born-again believer with Christ living inside could not, in good conscience, hate or show cruelty to someone who is of a different skin color. This is not compatible with the teachings of Jesus Christ. But many have claimed to be Christian then in His name do atrocities. The Lord will say, I never knew you.
We do agree with our reader that racism is a condition of the heart. The cruelty done to Jews and African Americans over the centuries is worse than tragic. 1 John 4: 7 and 8 are verses that say much truth: “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”
Below is a another LT reader response to the previous comment:
I agree and disagree. 🙂
A few points: 1) Not all slaves were stolen. Many were sold by their brothers. Alex Haley (author of Roots) talked about this, and there is historical evidence for it. 2) White churches did indeed speak up against slavery and also put their lives on the line to get slaves to safety. The Underground Railroad was manned by Christian families whose homes were used as stops, and they delivered “packages” (their code word) to safe places. Slave hunters were hunting for them too. 3) Americans and church denominations have indeed apologized for actions which they themselves did not commit, but for the actions of people who lived in the past.
Christ Jesus made it very clear that not all who profess to be His really are His children. We should not paint all white churches and all Christians with a broad brush by blaming them all for the actions of people and churches whose actions were disobedient to the Lord.
One issue which many people miss or don’t know about (and I’ve known some who studiously ignored it) is that Charles Darwin’s seminal book about evolution Origin of the Species promotes racism. Its subtitle is “For the Preservation of the Races” and its premise is that some races are superior to others. This is totally contrary to God’s Word which teaches us that “God has made of One Blood all men” (caps for emphasis). The teaching of evolution in our schools has led to much corruption in our nation, including this.
From all I’ve heard and read, Officer Chauvin in Minneapolis should not have been on the police force. He had had multiple incidents of misusing his authority. Why was he even on the force even more? Those who condoned his ill behavior by keeping him on the force should also be held to account for his wrongful actions.
The title of this article is so true, and the Lord has been emphasizing Ephesians 6 to me for quite some time (“For we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places; therefore, take unto yourselves the whole armor of God …”. ALL true Christians need to be interceding for this issue and every other evil issue afflicting our nation, right now. The LORD is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all we can ask or think! Ephesians 3
That article hits it on the nail all around! . . . But this is unprecedented, and orchestrate ,. . . I even saw signs being held (on the news) about how ‘white silence equals violence.’ If they mean not condemning it, okay, but just not if they want to coerce people into marching. I will not be coerced into anything and tend to avoid these things altogether, and I have that right; it doesn’t mean anything that they want to try and twist it into meaning. And the false claims of ‘privilege’ have been touted too. Mark my words, the events in the future are orchestrated to sculpt man’s actions and usher him into a false choice such as that; “if you don’t do this, then you are like that,” etc. They will come after us for not being manipulated.
All of this is connected. The covid events were for manufactured compliance to a global tyranny. Now this race war is being used for the manipulation and division of the masses. The masks too, “if you don’t do this, then you are guilty” etc., no more individual autonomy, it’s all for the ‘collective good’ you see… that you comply… etc. It’s all leading to the oneness campaign. All of these things have been planned and implemented behind the scenes. It’s just all coming out on stage now. And soon one of the next events will be like the one in NZ involving a religious nature, more manipulated coercion, more propaganda for the ‘oneness’ campaign, more promotion of the one world religion, and more vilification of those who refuse to join in, refuse to comply, and choose to remain separate as a witness for Jesus as the one and only way of salvation, the truth, and the only way to heaven! I am in THAT group!
I could write a long post, but it boils down to (after years of wrestling with this) the fact that I’ve determined that I will not be bullied into accepting guilt for things that I’ve never done, and I will continue to do my best to love everyone!
The video by Candace Owens was removed by the apostate media. The truth is not what they want us to see about the riots in America. Black Americans are trying to stop Antifa terrorists from burning down and destroying stores where they live. These Black Americans hate what they are doing! The terrorists are telling children to throw rocks! This is sick. Pray for the black parents, the police and the National Guard that they can return America to peace.
David Reagan, in this short video, makes the point that while God calls HIS people to repent and pray, we have substituted that by turning to Patriotism. Nothing wrong with loving our country, and supporting the President, but God is calling us to something else, and we are largely ignoring Him, or, as we pray, we ask Him to heal our land without meeting the conditions. https://youtu.be/M0U3sDg0Euk
In my town, much was made in the media that several successive nights of demonstrations had been peaceful. 24 hours after it happened, it was revealed that a couple, in their car with their three children, were driving on a street at the very outer edge of the “downtown” area, were stopped by demonstrators, somehow pulled out of their car, and beaten up in front of their three kids (who, thank God, were not harmed – physically). Media manipulation.
For decades we have warned about what was to come and now it is well underway, we are still surprised by the madness of it all as society falls apart. Maranatha – and yet, there is so much more to come.
James 4:8
Smart people with bombs, rocks and general mayhem. Reminds me of the Romans when they invaded Gaul and the Britons and look how that turned out. God is good; people in sin are not. And in the end I look forward to the Justice of the Righteousness of Christ to bring this madness of destruction, pain and suffering to an end.
This has morphed into something other than Justice for George Floyd. It’s about destroying capitalism and Western Civilization.
“The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates.” Psalm 11:5
More than ever, we need the churches to open. People are in open rebellion and a melt-down of this type is no good. And the toll not only in property damage is going to be high but the relationship with the police authority and people will break down completely. I am desperately praying for the U.S. and what’s happening. I live in Canada.
(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission; design by LT)
And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold
Matthew 24:12
Today we are in the midst of heart wrenching national unrest. Our cities are overrun with lawlessness, violence, anarchy, bitterness, wrath, and appear to be headed toward complete collapse. Instead of leadership, there is confusion, indecision, moral cowardice, and capitulation to the mob mentality. In the words of our text: lawlessness abounds and the love of many has grown cold. There is no shortage of “experts” in politics, media, and academia given to endless bloviating as to the cause and cure of all this unrest. We hear the same old tired words and phrases: “We need reform” – “We need dialogue” – “It’s time to have a conversation” – “We need to come together”, and on and on it goes. Lawlessness and lovelessness coexist; they feed upon one another. The more lawlessness we have the colder love will become, and a lack of love will always produce more lawlessness; violence will beget more violence.
It’s not that there isn’t a solution to this problem, but man denies the problem and rejects the solution. Man is ever dealing with the symptoms, which are listed above, while refusing to acknowledge the true problem. The problem, as it has always been, is sin – man’s rebellion against his Creator and the suppression of the Truth (Rom 1:18, 21). The Bible says that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9). Man needs a new heart, an altogether…
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven…
Romans 1:18
No one wants to read a Bible devotional about the wrath of God. We would prefer something more positive, heartwarming, and encouraging. But to put forth such a message, in a time such as ours, would be akin to saying “peace, peace” when there is no peace. Romans chapter one, verses eighteen through the end of the chapter, is a frighteningly apt description of both our culture and much of the political atmosphere that governs it. The reason for God’s wrath is the ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth (v18), and because they exchange the truth of God for the lie (v25), and they do not retain a knowledge of God (v28). In other words, here is a culture that has clear truth regarding God, but instead of living by it, they reject it. Instead of bowing to God, they bow to man-centered ideologies based on lies. Our nation has had the truth of God’s word to help govern it since it was founded. Unfortunately, our nation has proven to prefer the darkness rather than the light; therefore, we see the wrath of God revealed all around us.
The wrath of God isn’t revealed in earthquakes, floods, or supernatural disasters as it will be at the end of the age. The wrath of God is simply revealed by God taking His restraining hand off and letting man loose to reveal the evil of his own heart. It is basically God giving the culture what it desires: the rule of man instead of the rule of God…
How is it that former President Obama tweeted the death of George Floyd and showed a portrait of him 9 days before he died? Is this a Mystery of Lawlessness?
Marxist ideology began with Karl Marx rewriting History Books to help him sell his propaganda. Sadly much of American History has been changed. My High School American history book is not even close to what they are saying today. Just 1 example. Did you know that during the Civil War President Lincoln sent a letter to The Czar of Russia Nicholas ‘ll to send his navy fleet to America’s coasts to protect our weakened country from being invaded by both England and France? Nicholas sent his fleet to the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Many things are missing. Sadly we have been lord to for many years. PRAY Christians PRAY!
Ezek. 18:20 the son is not accountable for the sins of the father.
You serve whoever you kneel down to.
We cannot serve two masters.
the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.
Those who are with us gather those who are against us scatter.
Jesus left no third option no middle ground.
Either you are serving Jesus or you are serving the evil one.
Thank you Lighthouse for all that you do to share the Truth of Jesus Christ, His Word, and for your discernment.
We are all descendants of Noah and Adam, and our skin color is only skin deep. The amount of pigment in our skin doesn’t make a man or women. The state of our souls, our faith, and our love for our LORD Jesus Christ matters the most in the end.
This is meant to distract us. What happened to the Covid 19 coverage? It is non existent. It looks to me like a coup attempt.
So true. All people over the globe bleed red. We are all descended from Adam and Eve. We all belong to the human race.
What is racism since there is only 1 race, the human race?