LTRP Note: The following are some of the recent comments made by LT readers on the Coronavirus articles we have posted. There is a variety of persuasions in how the Coronavirus situation is looked at, but you will find some interesting and helpful insights.
The restructuring of life as we know it is not about the virus. Consider: Even 80,000 deaths in the US is an average of about 1600 deaths per state. Wyoming, with the smallest U.S. population, has approximately 600,000 – the 2010 census put the count at 563,000 – would still show a very small percentage of deaths compared to the overall population.
Of course, some areas have more deaths than others. Still . . . we close down our entire country, destroy the livelihoods of millions of productive citizens, derail the education of millions of students, etc. — for 1600 deaths (more or less) per state?!
The socialist maxim about never wasting a good crisis . . . to gain power and control over free citizens . . . is clearly in play here. Economy booming? People happy to be prospering? America re-emerging from dark days of tyrannical overlords? No crisis on the horizon? No problem. Engineered crisis works just as well.
God is so good to us to warn us beforehand about what to expect from the world. We are blessed beyond measure to know Jesus Who is rock-solid, unchanging Truth, Who is the Way through worldly deception and absurdity, and Who is LIFE which surpasses even death. To not fear death in the midst of fearful, life-threatening times is an incredibly blessing. We are so thankful. A.C.
LTRP Note: The following comment has been stroked out because these figures on TB are incorrect. According to the CDC, there were 8,920 cases of TB “provisionally reported” in the U.S. in 2019; in 2017, 515 deaths from TB were reported. The CDC does say that 13 million Americans have “latent TB” (a non-active form of TB). We thank one of our readers for bringing this inaccuracy to our attention, and we apologize for any confusion this may have caused.,
It should be noted that there are 10 million people globally who become ill with TB each year with 1.5 million dying from it. It is said to be one of the main causes of death worldwide. (source)
You want a real eye opener? Look at the recent history of Tuberculosis in the world an the USA in particular. Based on the total lack of coverage one might be inclined to believe it was eradicated decades ago thanks to a vaccine which has been around since the early 1920s.
Turns out we have roughly 1/3rd of the world’s incidences here and there were 500,000 who died from it in a recent year. Can you imagine the draconian measures we would see if Covid-19 even reached half that number?
No thanks for the vaccine for me! Not if they can’t get one to work in 100 years! M.M.
Yes Coronavirus is real. However, when has the entire world shut down over a virus? People are being controlled by fear now as they will be controlled by fear when they willingly receive the Mark of the Beast. It is surprising how willing Americans are to throw away our civil liberties. The government says stay home. We stay home. The government says don’t go to church. We don’t go to church. The government says don’t assemble. We don’t assemble. What else are they going to ask of us that we will willingly do without question? It’s a mindset that is willing to be controlled by a global government and willingly receive the Mark of the Beast. B.
The Constitution specifically states that Congress (extrapolate to include “the government”) may make NO, repeat – NO law abridging the right of the people to peaceably assemble. No citizen in government office has governmental authority to tell us to stay home.
I would add to your observation that we also allow ourselves to be governed by citizens who neglect to uphold the basics of our Constitution. As a student learning about the holocaust, I have always wondered HOW? How did ordinary citizens change so drastically as to viciously brutalize and murder their neighbors, relatives, and friends merely because they were told to do so. Now I am seeing the HOW. Deception is a terrible weapon — one which our adversary adroitly employs.
Thankfully, Jesus has already defeated our adversary. What have we to fear? Jesus gives us life eternal. We live in Him Whom is victorious forever. The Lord’s saints have ever been privileged to be a thorn in the flesh of worldlings for obeying God rather than governments. May many be attracted by our freedom in Christ and be gathered in by Jesus who sets us truly free. A.C.
Something definitely doesn’t add up…. For info, this disease is also treatable with high dose vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) or intravenous vitamin C for serious cases. This treatment was officially recognized in China. Z.
I am sure Satan is delighted with the death and chaos going on around the world right now. If the Anti-christ is waiting in the wings to appear, the scene is being set. Societies cannot continue to function under these shut-down conditions. I am glad that President Trump is looking forward to the normalization of America, where churches will be open and people can go back to their jobs, schools can re-open, etc. The success of those two drugs is not anecdotal, as some liberals and experts say but have been proven for many yrs., with minimal or no side effects. People who are being treated for malaria or lupus are not getting the Corona virus because they are using these drugs. Some countries are having their doctors and nurses take these drugs to protect them from the C. virus (is this called prophylactic?). Let us pray that our nation repents, humbles itself and returns to the Lord and God of creation and His Word, Jesus Christ. E.B.
There is an interesting article by Patrick Wood at titled “The common roots of climate change and COVID 19 hysteria. Put enough fear in people and you can control them. The real agenda is control .COVID 19 is the distraction. This has been planned for awhile . As a veteran medical professional (retired), I never bought the “bat” story. That virus clearly came from a laboratory. The global elites, including Bill Gates, needed another card to play in advancing the one-world system. A pandemic and economic collapse fits the scenario they want. B.
Coronavirus is new; medical science can’t find a cure; they can’t predict what it’s going to do next. Of course, they must worry and act NOW as never before, otherwise, they should resign and play Gamestation games. The flu numbers cannot be compared with corona, as we do not know corona. It’s not apples with apples. It’s corona against the unknown, and that’s the scary part for everyone who is concerned and involved. If the medical world knew that this were similar to flu (which it isn’t), the urgency would not be present or severe.
There are opportunists everywhere; everyone (Christians, atheists, euthanizers, evildoers, etc.) will take their share of the corona cake (it’s happening already). “Conspiracy waters” are not where born-agains belong. We should not even look for hidden agendas right now. Right now, the unknown danger is here and we have to deal with it.
Many (like LTRP) have echoed my recent pleas: This is a perfect time (like every day) to tell a lost world about the only salvation found in Jesus Christ, as promised by Him and our Father.
My daughter is a microbiologist/geneticist in the medical field. “Dad, we’ve never seen anything like this. It’s unpredictable.” Let’s focus on two things: be a lamp in the dark world and keeping our focus on things heavenly, and let’s do our human duty by obeying the rules and helping where we can.
Corona will pass, but let’s not be caught off-guard because we’ve been told second-hand that it’s nothing to worry about. BTW, this coronavirus will not bring people closer together; that is as clear as mud on a white shirt. J.J.
In reply to J.J.: There are many things you wrote that I disagree with, but the one thing you said that got my attention was your erroneous claim that ““Conspiracy waters” are not where born-agains belong. We should not even look for hidden agendas right now.”
That is a bizarre statement to post on a discernment website. If conspiracies do not exist (e.g. people conspiring to bring new age teachings into the church), then Lighthouse Trails is a complete waste of time.
Not to mention, if conspiracies do not exist (or are not worthy of looking into), then Christ’s warning to us about watching for false prophets is pointless. After all, if false prophets are not conspiring to alter the word of God, then we need not be concerned.
Furthermore, if conspiracies were a non-issue, then Jesus would never have been nailed to the cross. His entire death was the result of a conspiracy. Should we simply ignore that part of scripture?
And what about Acts 23:12-13 which says, “And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.”
Should we toss it?
The bible is rife with conspiracies. And yet, for some reason there is a flippant attitude in the church that says we need not think there will be any conspiracies in the last days when deception is at an all-time high. M. T.
P.S. – I do not mean to sound harsh, but what you are saying is downright dangerous and needs to be addressed in a direct manner. I still love you.
When God declares judgment on a nation (which is what happened in Jeremiah’s day, when He sent Babylon to conquer Israel), that’s that. No man can stop what God decrees. Irony of ironies, the Babylonians were kinder to Jeremiah than his own people! God’s hand was in that, too.
I’m not saying that’s what this is. I am seeing some things that cause me to wonder if that’s what this is, but only the LORD knows all things. Only HE knows the future. Doctors and scientists are prognosticating, but they are not God and they don’t really know what will happen an hour from now, let alone in the weeks and months to come.
America has been ripe for judgment for many years now, at least 50+ years. As Jeremiah said in Lamentations (the sequel to the book called by his name), the mercies of the Lord are new every morning; his compassions, they fail not. HE is our hope. HE is our only hope. My trust is in Him. I know His judgments are true and righteous altogether. CW
CW, as I’m from a place where there are various malaria areas, I can confirm your facts about the drug. Malaria medication can be taken for up to one year (as prescribed by a physician) without there being any side-effects, and it’s been used here since time out of mind. Hydroxychloroquine is not some snake oil homeopathic ‘remedy,’ — it’s the real thing. But as you’ve said, Trump can’t say anything without being opposed automatically. I hope his enemies, through their indoctrinated hatred, do not contribute to more fatalities. J.J.
I pray this pandemic and economic crisis will drive people to the Lord Jesus Christ as their only refuge and salvation. So China knew in November about this dangerous virus and exposed millions of people to it and punished the whistleblowers, at least one who is dead now. I see that Spain is now second to the U.S. in cases. I lived there for 5 yrs. and still have 5 grandchildren, one son and one son-in-law there on lockdown. I cried today about all this. Will I ever be able to see my family again? Part of my heart is still in Spain. Lord give our leaders wisdom to do your will in all things. Sometimes experts are wrong, as we have seen. E.B.
I am more concerned about those false teachers who’ve laid hold of the President than I am over our government shutting the church doors. It seems that God might be handing the church “at large” complete with wheat and tares over to those who hate us for a season. The church gathering will survive this time of refining – it will look different than it does now. There will be fewer tares in the meetings because the cost will be too high. Yet the cost will cause our faith to increase and we learn to what it literally means to put our flesh to death and to find our lives in Christ. In Him, I live and breathe, and have my being.
Yes I think it is discipline from God – “The LORD loves those whom He disciplines.” “Judgment begins with the House of God.” I think God is discipling us – giving us (the church) a chance to repent and return to her first love. It’s been a long time coming.
I don’t know if I should say (as some do) that this is the beginning of the birth pangs. I don’t know that this it is that. I do know that unless we, the church, repent, there are greater disciplines on the horizon. God wants our full attention. God is calling us to be about our Father’s work – while we still have time. J.D.
It seems as if God has “hit the pause button” on the whole earth . . . so that many would seek His face and be saved! It seems that the NWO is trying to force the change that they want thru the excuse of a Virus. Yes, we are being stripped of our “rights,” in favor of their agenda (a New World Order). If they can just make this pandemic last long enough, then Bill Gates will have the excuse to vaccinate the whole population with a virus vaccine that also has tracking capabilities using 5G. There’s only one problem with that, vaccines don’t work with Viruses.
So, I see God’s hand for Great Good in this whole thing, He has the whole worlds attention and the fields are white unto harvest! We need to pray for many to come to saving Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Look up, our Redemption draws nigh! Maranatha. L.
C asting all your cares upon Him – 1 Peter 5:7
O h that men would praise the Lord – Psalm 107:8
V erily, verily I say unto you, he that believeth in me, hath everlasting life. – John 6:47
I t is time to seek the Lord – Hosea 10:12
D raw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8
19 – Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. M.L.C.
(Photo from; used with permission)
8000 children are dying every day from starvation in our world. No food. Where is our Governments priorities? The coronavirus is on its 19th mutation. It’s no different than other years. America is looking at the worst Depression in our history. If this Depression does come how many people might die from starvation?
LHTR, Blessed Saints ~
Apologies for the email address mix-up –
an honest error, which, when I realized and corrected, I got a possible spam message.
In the face of extremely spotty net connections, I left all as is, and continued the habit.
no excuses, just context
I so look forward to meeting you in heaven.
Further, fwiw,
I believe We the People, by authentic vote, chose life in the 2008 election. Likewise, I believe, by even greater numbers of authentic vote, We the People chose life in the 2012 election.
In the 2016 election, We the People chose life, and, despite formidable opposition, vote manipulation, deception, and fraud, by God’s grace, the LIFE candidate was sworn into office.
I believe because We the People chose life, God is now blessing our nation with life and restoration.
But that’s just me . . .
Also, the Church prevails against the gates of hell, not vice versa. In the tribulation, the devil prevails against believers. Thankfully, the devil’s time is not yet.
His time against Israel is not yet, either. God’s purposes for the U.S. to protect Israel are still in place. So, God still blesses our nation.
Just consider how God might respond to a day of repentance for all the deaths of prenatal persons executed in our national genocide.
We Love America
The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, and his ears toward their cry.
The face of the LORD is against evildoers, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.
The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:15-18
At the onset of our national emergency, the President of the United States called for our nation to turn to the Lord (of the Bible) in humility and prayer, even citing admonition from God’s Word.
Believers, of course, prayed,
I believe the Lord answered the prayers of His People. By His grace and goodness to us, the virus death toll is very low, less even than deaths from previous seasons of flu. Probably even less yet than what we have already heard.
His people humbled ourselves, and the Lord, faithfully, healed our land of the virus threat.
Thank You, Father, for bringing out the truth of Your Son’s favor towards us in this crisis. Please show us the exact death count from the flu virus.
The Rock That is Higher Than I
Cultural Marxism invaded the U. S. during the sixties. Some remember: Is there a God? Free sex, drugs, rock and roll, free love, abortions legal in early seventies, no spanking of children, being a homosexual comes out. Fifty years of rebellion against God, culture, nation and family. Violence and corruption everywere! New World Order ready to take over. We need to preach the gospel to anyone who will listen. Pray,pray,and pray. Time is short. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be to late.
Thank You, Lord. No money to destroy precious prenatal progeny. My heart is moved. I am overwhelmed with thankfulness.
Please deliver our nation from the pervasive lie that human beings conceive a mass of useless, meddlesome cells – nothing more than subhuman trash to be discarded without thought or hesitation.
[If, by deceit, any money IS slotted for baby genocide, please block the distribution of those funds, Yourself. Thank You]
Because the Lord God is a real Being, because His nature is holy and righteous and life-giving, because HIS truth endures for every generation in every nation, choosing life brings blessing.
Thank You, Lord, for decisions by leaders which bless our nation. Thank You for every citizen who stands true for our cruelly besieged G-Kids.
Thank You, Lord, for Your gifts of children.
Little Miracle
On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand
Keep looking up , I feel the rapture could be at any moment
That comment was meant to go in reply to this comment by SJLC
“Does anyone here actually know someone who has been brought to repentance and faith through this trial? It would be so encouraging to hear testimonies if so… ”
My computer has a very contrary cursor. lol
Good point.
You are right. Hearing about the works of God’s Kingdom (the one the Bible talks about – heh) always encourages and uplifts.
I have been able to work God’s truth into conversations — well, at least when folks were still talking to each other.
I say that I know Jesus gives eternal life to everyone who believes Him so I know where I will be when I die. Sometimes the conversation goes from there, sometimes not.
No matter what the world is doing, the Church (the one the Bible talks about) is faithfully fulfilling the Lord’s commission. Seeing how the Holy Spirit gathers in God’s harvest through all of us is exciting.
I hope we get to hear all the details when we get to Heaven.
Here is a song I like.
To the Work (Toiling On)
Amen to what A.C. said!
Great news!
What a joy for you, Anne. What a blessing for the Body of Christ.
Thank You, Lord, for Anne and for Jim. Please let Your Word grow in him richly. Please help Jim find Your Flock and keep the evil one from snatching away Your gospel seeds. Please restore Jim’s livelihood. Thank you.
I witnessed to man yesterday on the phone looking for a job. And he said that he was open to truth because he to believed this something wasn’t right with what they are telling us about this c-virus. I gave him a Bible and a Bible dictionary and he said he was anxious to read it. He is jobless over this. I told him ‘well you have lots of time now to study God’s word.’ He said he definitely would. I gave him the gospel, he said he believed the gospel, and we prayed together. So his name is Jim if you would like to pray for him. Blessings~
Lighthouse Trails Editors
You are right. This figure was an error in the comment. We will issue a correction.
Does anyone here actually know someone who has been brought to repentance and faith through this trial? It would be so encouraging to hear testimonies if so…
It looks like there was a misreading of TB reports in the 2nd letter. There were about 500 deaths from TB in recent years — not 500 thousand[1]. It doesn’t look like there ever were 500,000 TB cases in the US, let alone that many deaths[2].
Excellent article ! Yes definitely praying for salvation for all the lost. We have to focus constantly on Jesus . He is the only one who can help us. We have to put our trust in God, not in man, Time is running out , but Praise God, our blessed hope is the rapture 😊 Keep looking up, our redemption draweth near
Maranatha !
Dick Leppky
The statistical comparisons to influenza and other transmittable diseases clearly do not justify the current restructuring of globalism. However, based on what the United Nations/WHO has been trying to orchestrate, this does serve well as a first ‘trial run’ for the tribulation period – there will be more.
Unfortunately, the only ‘noise’ is coming from the apostasy bunch like Copeland, etc. There is nothing but silence from (what used to be) evangelicals; who are cozying up to the same leftist, new age, progressive ‘Christianity’ that syncretizes with the world powers and satan’s agenda.
Curious, Too aka Also Curious
Thank you for including my comment.
I gain valued strength, wisdom, insight and relief from reading here, like finding verdant pastures and still waters of sound-mindedness amidst a world gone way awry.
I am honored.
My Line in the Sand
Re; a possible government stimulus check
Anyone have reliable, factual information about the legislation re; a possible government stimulus check?
Specifically, I am seeking to know whether or not the same legislation also allocates funds to baby executioners.
If our allegedly life-based Senators and President stood true to protect and defend our G-Kids Generation (by refusing to pass baby execution funding), I praise God and rejoice.
If they caved for whatever inexcusable excuse, I absolutely refuse to accept a pay-off for selling out vulnerable, womb-supported kids to our national prenatal genocide.
I have no use for the government’s blood money.
With all the mighty revulsion of my entire being, I send back a check bought with the death of even one innocent, gestating child.
Let the blood of the innocents be on the heads of the heartless executioners.
Amidst conflicting reports and media without an ounce of credibility left, I have yet to gain a clear understanding of the legislation.
Thank you for verifiable facts.