LTRP Note: The news article below is posted for informational and research purposes. We asked our author, Maria Kneas, who is a Jewish born-again believer in Jesus Christ, what she thought about the article. She responded by saying:
“Regarding the article below, I am sickened by it. Somebody in a position of power and influence at LifeSite News must be listening to lies about Israel and believing them. This stuff is just . . . I don’t have words for it. I went to LifeSite’s website and found an article about Israel that is right in line with what the Israeli newspaper below said about them. Therefore, I believe what the article says. This is sad. But it’s not surprising. It’s amazing how many people are turning against Israel. Including some American churches.”—Maria
“Conservative News Group Embraces Hardcore Antisemitism Following Oct. 7 Massacre”
By Breanna Claussen
All Israel News
For many years, LifeSite News has provided thorough reporting on topics rarely covered by other news organizations. While the media group is Catholic, many evangelicals relied upon its reports on issues related to the sanctity and protection of life, which is its namesake . . .
Following the Oct. 7 massacre and commencement of the war, the group claims their eyes have been opened to the dark and disturbing “facts” about Israel. All of the supposed revelations echo those long cranked out of the propaganda arms of terrorist organizations and antisemitic conspiracists. Click here to continue reading.
(image of LifeSite logo: ID 157089849 © Ilnur Khisamutdinov | Dreamstime.com; used with permission; image of holocaust scene from United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; used in Diet Eman’s book Things We Couldn’t Say; used with permission)
We were in a Reformed church for 3 years, and I found them to be anti-Semitic as well. Thankfully, the Lord closed that church, as they developed several major problems at once. “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” Replacement theology, Supercessionism, started even before the Catholic church was formed, because of the antagonism of Greeks towards Jews in that part of the world. The Greeks’ love of figurative thinking and allegory, over literal interpretation, led them to believe that the Church had replaced Israel. In fact, however, we are told clearly in the NT that Gentile believers have been grafted into Israel. I believe that those who vilify Jews and Israel in the name of Christ do not understand the last parts of the book of Romans. “God has shut all up under sin, so that He may have mercy on all.” God never breaks a promise, so if He broke His promises to Israel, He could break His promises to Gentile Christians. The Reformed and Catholic positions on this issue are a slippery slope for them.
Not ALL Catholics are antisemitic, nor are all Calvinists; however, as you pointed out, these systems themselves, in their very nature and roots, fall into that category.
Thank you for this information! Regarding the truths of this article, as with Calvinists, Catholics are also antisemites. Consider, John Calvin followed Augustine the father of the Catholic Church, an idolater/dolly worshipper, who worshipped Mary. This is why he believed in the heresy of infant baptism. He stole doctrines from Augustine. Augustine taught the Catholic church replaced the Jews. Calvin changed it to say believers replaced Israel. Calvin and Augustine both denied the book of Revelation and did not believe in the Millennial (being amillennial) rule of Christ taught throughout the Old and New Testaments. I heard a Calvinist state that Hitler had his reason for annihilating the Jews. I have found Calvinists to be anti-Semitic.
Dear Duncan, The religion of the day of the tribulation will be the worship of satan’s talking idol and satan—Revelation chapter 13. Catholicism, Hinduism, New Age teachings, etc, are certainly a type of what is to come as we read in Revelation. It is going to be all about idolatry as the false god Apollo is mentioned as one who will be worshipped in Revelation. However, it is the religion of the antichrist and his talking idol that will rule men’s hearts and minds.
It will be all about Mystery Babylon. If you want to know the religion of the day, please study Babylon in the Old Testament, found in the books of Daniel, Jeremiah, etc. You will note it is all about worshipping countless idols and ecumenicalism. One of the reasons Judah was exiled to Babylon was her acceptance of implementing all the religions that surrounded her.
The Catholic church as always historically been antisemitic and just can’t hide their true colors now that push has come to shove and the birth pains are dramatically escalating. See “A Woman Rides The Beast” by Dave Hunt. The Vatican for a long time has planned to be on the top of the pile of the one world religion and it’s becoming clear that the Papacy will be the False Prophet.