Contemplative Baylor University Students Propose Change to Conduct Code on Homosexuality

LTRJ Note: Baylor University is listed on the Lighthouse Trails Contemplative Colleges list. As we have documented in the past with other contemplative colleges seminaries, and universities, the overall view on dealing with homosexuality begins to change and become more and more laxed. This is because of the underlying roots and nature of contemplative spirituality and the emerging church.

Baylor University

By Heather Clark
Christian News Network

“Baylor University Students Propose Generalization of Conduct Code to Make Sexual Sins ‘Equal’”

WACO – Students at Baylor University recently presented a proposal to re-word the school’s conduct code to make sexual sins more equal.

The Baptist university’s current sexual misconduct policy specifically prohibits sexual activity outside of marriage and mandates that students and staff provide examples of purity.

“In all disciplinary procedures, Baylor University will seek to be redemptive in the lives of the individuals involved and to witness to the high moral standards of the Christian faith,” it states. “Baylor will be guided by the understanding that human sexuality is a gift from the creator God and that the purposes of this gift include (1) the procreation of human life and (2) the uniting and strengthening of the marital bond in self-giving love.”

“These purposes are to be achieved through heterosexual relationships within marriage,” the code continues. “Misuses of God’s gift will be understood to include, but not be limited to, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, incest, adultery, fornication and homosexual acts.”


But some students at the university recently proposed to remove the term “homosexual acts . . . ” Click here to continue reading.