1. Heidi Lavoie

    In an article titled “Sorcery: Ushering in a Blissful Christless Eternity” dated June 6, 2020, T.A. McMahon of the Berean Call writes “Yoga’s meditation is a more direct vehicle to a mystical altered state of consciousness”. Eastern meditation practices bring one into contact with the demonic realm as do the use of psychedelic drugs. Same result from using either one. This article by T.A. is excellent and high lights the reality we are seeing right now of the use of sorcery exploding and how it is Bible prophecy being fulfilled. It is truly grievous to see how many in the churches have been deceived into practicing sorcery via methods of meditation.

  2. CW

    Does our approach to God matter? Christ Jesus said it does, in John 4:24 —
    “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”

    We must be led by the Holy Spirit (whom Jesus said IS the Spirit of Truth) to worship the Lord God in spirit and in truth. We cannot be led by our flesh to do this, nor can we be led by “other” spirits pretending to be the Spirit of God.

    I noticed that when St. Romain rhapsodized about his spiritual experience, he didn’t say anything about checking his experience by God’s written Word. This is very concerning, as Christ Jesus withstood the temptations of the devil in the wilderness by citing God’s written Word.

    Since Jesus, who was and is the very Son of God, the Living Word, emphasized the importance of His written Word in this way, doesn’t that signify how very important it is for us to do the same??

    This is a very serious issue, and it is concerning to me that so many professed Christians are falling away from the God whom they say they love, the God who gave His only Son that they (and we) might not perish, but have everlasting life.

    I pray they will have ears to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd / the Holy Spirit, will repent with godly sorrow which leads to repentance not to be repented of. God help them, and God help us all to stand strong in the day of confusion and adversity! He is Able to keep us from falling! Praise His Holy Name! 🙂

  3. T. I. Miller

    This is the fruit of the seeker friendly movement. Elders are more concerned about offending people than about offending God. What twisted elder is more concerned about adding members than about the members losing their souls to the evil one. Ths main reason for no longer enduring sound doctrine is caused by no longer teaching sound doctrine. We are all capable of denying God in word thought and deed in a thousand ways. When elders no longer boldly defend the faith they deny God. It is a command and those who deny Him do not keep His commands. Are they ashamed of Him and His words? Deny Him before men and He will deny you on judgment day.

  4. kat

    Amen Jeffrey , you are spot on . People need to wake up and I certainly pray they do because the falling away is here . Satan doesn’t have a red suit on with a pitchfork. He is deceiving so many in these days we’re living in. My prayer is that God removes the spiritual blinders from their eyes. And I pray for all the lost souls in the world.


  5. Jeffry

    This article should make every Christian think. John 14:15-17. If you love me keep my commandments. The Lord Jesus prayed to the Father And He gave us another Comforter that would abide with us for ever! The Spirit of Truth. What comfort. Acts 2:4 All were filled with The Holy Ghost. Contemplative prayer is mystical giving people a Inner Adviser? Many of them see a radiant light and a oneness? Sounds like demonic spirits are speaking to them. Only the Holy Spirit of God will guide us to truth. It seems as if these Demonic Spirits are working together for Ecumenism for a One World Religion. Isaiah 19:3-4. Does not the words of Isaiah sound like judgement coming to those who practice mystical contemplative prayer. We live in dark days. May the Holy Spirit of God wake us up to pray for wisdom in telling Christians the danger of Contemplative Prayer.

  6. kat

    Thanks again LT for this article. So many many churches are indeed promoting contemplative prayer and Christians are jumping on the band – wagon and embracing this unbiblical practice . It is very dangerous. This is a mind – altering practice that can cause a person to enter into a demonic realm. It is a deception by Satan. I’ve read articles where people are having nightmares and depression, etc by going into a state of emptying their minds. The Eastern mysticism practices are ungodly and shouldn’t be practiced by Christians as well as non believers. And Pastors are promoting this and this is wrong !

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