From Sun-Times Media
The Wheaton Sun
An out of house news source
Intended for informational and research purposes only, not as an endorsement
The Tony Blair Faith Foundation has announced that Wheaton College has become the first American Associate University of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s Faith and Globalization Initiative.
The Faith and Globalization Initiative is driven forward by a network of lead universities on every continent which undertake academic teaching and research to develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between faith and globalization.
The results help emerging leaders understand how faith motivates people, and analyzes the impact of religion on the modern world, according to foundation officials.
Drawing from the courses already developed by the current lead universities, Wheaton College, as an associate member of the initiative, will develop its own version of the course, approaching the topic of faith and globalization in accordance with the unique perspectives and traditions of the university.
Its participation will challenge thinking and ensure that the research and teaching of the faith and globalization course around the world maintains great depth, variety and quality, foundation leaders said.
The Faith and Globalization Initiative’s Lead Universities network includes Durham University in the United Kingdom, McGill University, the National University of Singapore, Peking University, University of Sierra Leone, Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico, the University of Western Australia and Yale. Click here to continue reading this article.
UK Observer: “Blair courts controversial US pastor Rick Warren in bid to unite faiths”
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