Controlling the Internet

By Russ Jones

Congress has approved a resolution that urges the Obama administration to go against the desires of the president and refute attempts to give the United Nations the power to control the Internet.

Since the defeat of several “cyber-security” bills in Congress, the Obama administration now seeks to achieve its agenda through an executive order. Gary Kreep, executive director of the United States Justice Foundation, says it is an abuse of power so egregious even the traditionally far-left American Civil Liberties Union has come out against the Obama White House.

“The understanding of the drafts that have been leaked is that it gives the president the power and the Department of Homeland Security the power to access e-mail … research — anything to do with your Internet activities, [they can] access it, download it, scrutinize it, use it against you,” Kreep explains.

He calls the effort a violation of the Constitution and a threat to personal liberty. Click here to read more.