By Tony Pearce
Author of The Messiah Factor and Director of Light for the Last Days (UK)
Covid and Vaccines
We live in strange times, with changes that took place to our way of life in 2020 which we would not have thought possible at the beginning of the year. Now we are wondering what 2021 will bring. We are being told that the arrival of the new Covid-19 vaccine signals the light at the end of a dark tunnel. In November, U.K. prime minister Boris Johnson said, “Together we can get through this winter, suppress the virus until vaccines come to our aid, and then reclaim our lives and all the things that we love.”1 He implied that this would happen by spring 2021.
Generally we find there are two main opinions about what happened so far:
The majority opinion: The lockdowns are a necessary way of the government defending the health and safety of the people from a dangerous virus which threatens us all. The vaccines are the only way out.
The sceptical opinion: The lockdowns and the vaccines are an intrusion on personal freedom, a burden on society put in place to protect us from a disease which 99.7% people recover from.
Whichever view you hold, almost everyone agrees that 2020 turned out to be a most horrible year. Apart from the fear of catching the virus and being ill or dying, people suffered in so many different ways.
Getting back to normal by early 2021 does not look so hopeful now. Many people are skeptical or resistant to the vaccine, and we are told it won’t be available to everyone before the end of 2021. We face what seems like a never-ending cycle of closing down, opening up for a while, then closing down again as the virus continues to spread. Newspaper headlines read, “Will this nightmare ever end?”
The lockdowns have not eradicated the virus. They reduce infections and associated deaths while they are in force, but only to shift them down the road for a later period. We are told we must follow the science, and science has become the great god we must all bow down to. But not all scientists and doctors agree with the strategy. Over fifty thousand scientists and doctors signed the Great Barrington Declaration . . . claiming that the measures taken were harmful to “short and long term public health.”2 Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former head of research at Pfizer, says the advisers to the government in the SAGE committee justify the repeated lockdowns by using inflated figures of potential and actual deaths from the disease. He suggests only a small percentage of PCR tests, on which the daily figures of Covid infections are based, are reliable. The book Corona, False Alarm by doctors Karina Reiss and Sucharit Bhakdi (available on Amazon) gives more facts and figures on the crisis. It claims that the number of deaths is not much more than normal flu deaths and concludes that this is a false alarm inflicted on the world with disastrous results. These doctors also question the mass vaccination of the population, saying that subjecting healthy people to a hastily prepared vaccine which may have some unknown results in the future is a big mistake. Any alternatives to the government line are suppressed on mainstream media, and increasingly on social media too.
In the midst of all the controversy we are told, we are not told to seek for God. God has been left out of the subject by our leaders, including most church leaders. Church of England Archbishops and Bishops say nothing about seeking God or asking for a national day of prayer to ask for God’s help in the crisis. When they do have anything to say, it is usually to make some fashionable left-wing comment on racism, LGBT rights or condemnation of Brexit (UK leaving the EU in 2020). With the possibility of death around the corner, people should be told to prepare to meet their Creator by repenting of their sins and believing the Gospel, but the bishops of the Church of England will not say anything like that, perhaps because they do not believe it themselves. But that is what God is saying to us today. Jesus’ first message recorded in the Gospel is, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15).
The Bible has a number of passages relating to plagues and pestilences. Almost always they come as a judgment from God on a people or ruler who is defying God. Think of Pharaoh and the plagues that came upon Egypt because of his refusal to let the people of Israel go (Exodus 7-12). Or the plague that came upon the Israelites who worshipped the golden calf, “And the LORD plagued the people, because they made the calf, which Aaron made” (Exodus 32:35). People may say it sounds harsh to say that the coronavirus is a judgment of God, but the world today is under judgment for its sin and rebellion against God. Jesus said it would be “as the days of Noah were,” (Matthew 24:37) in the last days of this age before His return. In the days of Noah, we read that God was sorry that He had made the world, because of human wickedness. For “every imagination of the thoughts of [the heart of man] was only evil continually,” and the “earth was filled with violence” (Genesis 6:5,11).
Today, we see the nation of China where the virus began, promoting atheism, defying God, and putting up its images to its Communist Party leaders. Millions of Christians who want to worship the true God face persecution. We see the western nations promoting all kinds of God-defying laws that go against the Bible’s moral teaching and confuse children about sex and sexuality. We see a mockery of God and the Bible in so much of our culture, and a suppression of God’s Word in the media, in our education system, and even in much of the official church. We see persecution of Christians in much of the Muslim world and a hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people in countries like Iran and Turkey. All of these nations have seen their countries ravaged by the virus. If they want God’s help, they need to repent and turn to the true and living God.
The Bible contains many passages dealing with the conditions on the Earth in a period known as the last days. They speak of a time of unique trouble on the Earth. Jesus told of the signs of His return: “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences” (Luke 21:10-11). In the parallel passage in Matthew 24:8, He said these things happening would be “the beginning of sorrows,” the first stage in the last days’ scenario which will lead to the time of great tribulation just before His return to the Earth. It appears that plague is one of the signs of the last days’ judgment which comes on the Earth in the great tribulation and causes mass death.
The coronavirus is not that final plague, but it may be seen as a forerunner of it, especially in the way it is being used now to bring about radical changes in life on Earth and increase the power of the government to control the people.
At the beginning of the crisis, Bill Gates said that “normalcy only returns when we’ve largely vaccinated the entire global population.”3 The UK government has said that the vaccination will not be compulsory. However, there is the possibility it will be used for some kind of Freedom Pass needed for travel, access to shops, work, entertainment venues, and all public spaces. Government Minister James Cleverley has said, “Millions of people will have their lives ‘unlocked’ by getting the Covid jab and a card showing they have had it. The vaccination program will also allow Britain’s economy to be ‘unlocked.’”4
A newspaper headline read, “No Jab? You’re barred” after a government minister said that some venues might insist on proof of vaccination for granting entry. One American journalist stated, “Government won’t force you to take vaccine. Amazon will. Airlines will. Banks will. You won’t be able to buy, sell, or trade without the vaccine.”5 A health committee in Israel has been told that the government won’t force people to take the vaccine, but taking it will give you “Green Status” to go freely in all the green zones:
Whoever is vaccinated will automatically receive ‘green status’. Therefore, you may vaccinate, and receive Green Status to go freely in all the green zones: They’ll open for you cultural events, they’ll open to you the shopping malls, hotels, and restaurants.6
Chinese President Xi Jinping told world leaders at the G20 conference that they need a “global mechanism” using QR codes (bar codes on mobile phones) to open up international travel.7 The International Air Transport Association has already said it is developing a mobile “digital passport” that would tell airlines if a traveler has been vaccinated against Covid.8 This could be rolled out to cover everyday life in society, creating something like the “health certificates” being used in China now. These are apps on mobile phones giving a traffic-light-style health code. A green code allows someone to travel freely and enter shops and work places; and an orange or red code keeps one out. If you get a red code, you must isolate at home until you get a green one. The codes are based on data and information submitted to the operators of the system. In a police state like China, this gives the people in charge the ability to control your movement, work, finances, buying and selling, what you say on social media, and who you mix with. If something like that comes in on a global scale, it would be another step towards a dictatorial world government.
The Great Global Reset
Apart from its impact on the world’s health, Covid-19 has had a huge impact on the world’s economy. Governments around the world are talking about restructuring society after Covid. Klaus Schwab is the chairman of the World Economic Forum (that hosts the annual Davos summit of world economic, political and business leaders). He has written a book Covid 19—the Great Reset, saying:
[This pandemic] represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world. . . . Many things will change forever . . . A new world will emerge. . . . [T]he societal upheaval unleashed by Covid-19 will last for years, and possibly generations. . . . Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never.9
Schwab also stated:
Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a Great Reset of capitalism.10
The new order envisaged by Schwab will embrace the entire world, and so he says it will only come about through “some form of effective global governance.”11 The World Economic Forum states this will create “a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”12 In other words, “the Great Reset” is an updated blueprint for the New World Order and world government.
Schwab also made the connection between the Covid crisis and the “Green New Deal”:
At first glance, the pandemic and the environment might seem to be only distantly related cousins; but they are much closer and more intertwined than we think.13
One of the connections is that both issues make people afraid of something that is going to destroy their lives (Covid or global warming) unless “global governance” steps in and saves us.
Schwab admits that Covid did not require such a heavy-handed response as we have had but has proved a useful stepping stone to the next phase of the plan to control human activity and push for global governance. He says we need such a government to save the world from global warming by working for the elimination of carbon emissions (coal, gas, oil). In this he has the agreement of many world leaders, including Kristalina Georgiava, Managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. Heads of national governments, including Boris Johnson, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, incoming US President Biden, leaders of Canada, New Zealand and Australia, are all making statements showing they are thinking along these lines.
UN Secretary General Guterres said, “Our planet is broken” and blamed humanity for waging “a suicidal war on the natural world.”14 He announced that the UN’s central objective in 2021 will be to build a global coalition around the need to reduce emissions to net zero. Net zero refers to cutting greenhouse gas emissions (burning oil, gas and coal) as far as possible. If we don’t do this, he says, the Earth is doomed.
Interestingly, just as there are sceptics who question the science behind the lockdown, so also there are climate-change sceptics who question the science behind global warming. They point out that climate is a hugely complex entity and that burning fossil fuels makes only a very small difference to the whole picture. Computer models that predict a four-degree rise in temperature over the next century are as flawed as the computer models that predicted 500,000 deaths from Covid in the UK. The main drivers of the weather are the sun, ocean currents, and wind direction. We can tell from history there were times in the past when the weather was warmer than it is now (the Medieval Warm Period in around 1300) and times when it was colder (the Little Ice Age which began in 1650 and lasted in some form until 1850). None of this was caused by humans burning fossil fuels. Based on recent studies of the sun’s behavior, it is quite likely that the world will experience global cooling, not warming, in the coming days.
Klaus Schwab wants his Global Reset to deal with problems caused by Covid-19 and global warming with something called the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” He says this will bring massive benefits to humanity by using AI (Artificial Intelligence) to change human behavior.
He describes a merger of people and machines in which new technologies become physically part of us:
[S]ome of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices— from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains. . . . [A]dvances in neurotechnology enhance our cognitive abilities [i.e., some kind of implants will increase our brain power and our ability to function as well as cutting out disease]. We will become better able to manipulate our own genes, and those of our children.15
He dreams of “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies . . . biological computing and custom-designed organisms.”16 Implanted microchips? Does this remind you of the 666 prophecy of Revelation 13?
Israel Matters
The Danish Lutheran Church sponsored a new translation of the Bible which deleted the word Israel in almost all of the New Testament and several instances in the Old Testament. They did this because they were worried that people reading their Bible might think that the modern State of Israel has something to do with God and the Bible. They had quite a lot of deleting to do because the word Israel appears 2319 times in the Bible and 73 times in the New Testament (and in the New Testament references, Israel always means either the land or the people of Israel).
The motive of these translators appears to be to remove any connection between God and the people and the present land of Israel. Behind this, we see a view that is strong in much of the professing Christian church today which says that the church has replaced Israel (replacement theology) and therefore, Israel today does not matter.
But Israel matters to God.
There are many today who wish to delete Israel not just from the pages of the Bible but from the map of the Middle East.
On November 4th, 2020, the United Nations General Assembly passed seven resolutions condemning Israel without mentioning any transgressions by any other nation. Britain, along with the countries of the EU, voted against Israel, or abstained, in these resolutions.
Every year the UN passes numerous resolutions condemning Israel for human rights abuses and hindering the peace. These resolutions are generally approved by the British government and EU countries, as well as countries like Syria, China, and Iran. No such resolutions are passed against Syria where the Assad regime has killed hundreds of thousands of its own citizens or China where Christians and Muslims face appalling denial of their basic human rights. Israel has made efforts to create peace with its neighbors and gives full human rights to Israeli Arabs, so the hypocrisy of the UN’s continual attacks on Israel is quite mind blowing. The basic reason is that the majority of nations in the UN say Israel does not matter and would like to see the end of the State of Israel.
But Israel matters to God.
The former US President Trump may have had his faults, but he was beyond doubt the most pro-Israel US president since Harry Truman, who supported Israel’s restoration in 1948. Trump endorsed Israel’s claim to Jerusalem as its undivided capital, moving the US Embassy there. He supported Israel’s claim to the Golan Heights, a vital defense for the country from Syrian aggression. He opposed Palestinian terrorism and cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority unless they renounced terror against Israel. He withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, which had empowered Iran to increase its aggression against Israel. He backed a peace deal with Israel and the Palestinians which would have left Israel in control of an undivided Jerusalem, most of the settlements in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley. Under his influence, a number of Arab countries have now signed peace agreements with Israel.
Now, the new administration of President Biden looks like it will change all of this. US policy towards Israel will go back to Obama’s which wanted to re-divide the land with a Palestinian state on the territory Israel gained in the Six Day War. This means Jerusalem divided between Israel and the Palestinians, the Old City and holy places under Palestinian control, the settlements in Judea and Samaria uprooted and Israel pushed back to “the suicide borders” of 1967. He wants to revive the Iran nuclear deal made under the Obama Administration which freed up billions of dollars to the Islamist regime to equip terrorists in the Middle East to destabilize moderate Arab countries and confront Israel. Iran’s stated policy is the elimination of Israel with missiles provided to its proxies in the region and with a nuclear weapon which it is not far away from creating. Israeli politicians fear war is coming to Israel as a result of all this.
If the new US administration goes along with this program, it will show that Israel no longer matters to the United States. This will help Israel’s enemies to work for their goal of deleting Israel from the map. Iran, Turkey, Hezbollah, Hamas, and most of the Palestinian Authority have gone beyond saying Israel does not matter to saying Israel should not exist. Anti Zionists in the West agree, joining anti-Israel demonstrations where they chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The river is the Jordan and the sea is the Mediterranean, so they mean that Israel should cease to exist.
But Israel matters to God and will not cease to exist.
The restoration of Israel. We say this not on the basis of any political view, but on the Word of God, the Bible. The Danish Lutheran Church must have some belief in the importance of the Bible, but it has missed the point that God has chosen Israel as a people by a covenant which goes back 3000 years to the time of Abraham. In Genesis 15, we read how the Lord made a covenant with Abraham to give him a multitude of descendants, as many as the stars in Heaven and sand on the sea shore and that He would give to them the title deeds of ownership of the land of Israel.
Don’t Panic
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.—Jesus (John 14:1)
These words were spoken by Jesus to His disciples at the Last Supper, His last meeting with them before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. He had just told them that He was going to go away from them, that one of them (Judas) would betray Him, and that Peter would deny that he knew Him. In a few hours’ time, He would be cruelly put to death by crucifixion. So the disciples had enough reasons to be troubled, alarmed, even terrified at what was about to happen. But Jesus told them not to be troubled but to have faith in Him.
We have enough reasons to be troubled, alarmed, even terrified at events coming down the line for the human race in our time. Read through these passages in the Bible which describe the last days, and you will see reasons to be troubled at what is coming on the world: Isaiah 2, 24; Jeremiah 30-31; Ezekiel 38-9; Daniel 12; Joel 2-3; Zechariah 12-14; Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 2 Thessalonians 2; 2 Timothy 3; and Revelation 6-19.
But Jesus says, Don’t panic and give up, but have faith. In Luke 21, He describes the things happening in the world which cause people’s hearts to be “failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” But to those who believe in Him, He says, “when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28). Jesus gives assurance to those who trust in Him that whatever we go through He will be with us always, even to the end of the world.
This article is an extract of Tony Pearce’s January 2021 Light for the Last Days Newsletter. You may read the full article at is the author of several articles, booklets, and books including The Messiah Factor, which Lighthouse Trails publishes.
Elizabeth Alcala-Bennett
Covid and the vaccines are an attempt to depopulate the planet. Many have been harmed or killed soon after taking the shot, especially young men. Our military has been sorely hit by the mandates and the effects of the shots, plus few Americans want to join right now due to woke policies. America has reached a low point in our history, especially spiritually. I live in CA where Gavin Newsom says parents have no rights concerning their children’s gender. Satan is alive and well, seeking whom he may devour.
Elizabeth Bennett
Ivermectin saved my pastor’s life; he was at the point of death. In CA doctors are not allowed to prescribe these early therapeutics, so I had to get my hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin from Mexico. Big pharma is making millions with the vaccines; they do not care when people die because of liberal, ungodly policies. Also, if you are vaccinated government can track and trace you.
As the Bible says, in the last days God will gather the Jews from every corner of the world back to Israel. Many Ukrainian Jews are being flown to Israel as we speak. Those countries that hate Israel and the Jews will be punished by God Himself; they will not prosper.
Excellent article and teaching, thank you very much for posting it and the link. I’ve shared it with family.
John Willcox
There is so much information on masks, the vaccine, its dangers. Many medical doctors who who the truth are speaking out and being fired from the jobs, having their licenses threatened to be revoked, and censored from getting truth out. This article is can excellent primer on all that is going on behind the scenes so that the masses believe the majority opinion, but in reality, censorship and Communist takeover, a plandemic or scamdemic, biowarfare. It is really a battle between good and evil. No church leader should ever encourage believers to take a vaccine if they really knew the truth of what is going on.
Donna Jamieson
Unfortunately this Doctor is sharing a platform with Rodney Howard Browne.
One of the most comprehensive biblical perspectives on current events that I have seen. Very informative and encouraging. Thank you Tony Pearce and Lighthouse Trails.
In the meantime while waiting for a vaccine please check out Dr. Kory’s plea before the Senate to seek approval for Ivermectin! It has proven to be extremely beneficial for treatment of the virus at several stages. Some doctors will prescribe this highly safe medicine that has been used for some forty years.
In addition to Ivermectin to beat the virus check the providone iodine based 0.5% mouth wash (and gargle) that dentists and other doctors are using to kill the virus. It works!
mark fuglestad
Listen to this doctor’s advice about the vaccine!
Wonderful Truth. Let not your Heart be troubled. Don’t panic and give up. When these things happen Look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near. Put on the Shield of Faith where with we will be able to quench all fiery darts of the Evil One. Remember even Demons believe and Tremble. You are of God little Children and have overcome them. Because He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world. The Rapture is near. All unsaved people Trust God’s Holy word today. Pray for each other Dear Christians. Our Redemption is near. Even So, Come Lord Jesus!!!
Elizabeth Bennett
Thank you, Lighthouse for these wonderful words from Tony Pearce. We really needed this at this time.