1. Elizabeth Bennett

    The arrogance of famous pastors is very sad to see. They are not willing to listen to warnings. They pretend to be humble. The prophets in the O.T. also were ridiculed and mistreated, or killed.

  2. Linda

    I once bought David Jeremiah’s books and listened to his preaching. I thought his message was Biblically solid until he involved himself with R Downey and hubby. I tried to watch the TV movie but was so disturbed by it, I didn’t want to see anymore. I began to research him and the more I read and heard from his own mouth, the more I began to distance myself from his teaching. I emailed Turning Point, only to receive the same canned response I’ve seen posted by many others. When I hear anything from anyone which is contrary to God’s Word, warning bells ring. I suppose in reading the warning that in the last days, we will see many false preachers, I didn’t realize just how “many” there would be. It is heartbreaking to see the Word of God perverted and dismissed as irrelevant. I have checked your “beliefs” and find them to be sound; however, I would like to know your position regarding the Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation.

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