1. kddlporter

    That’s funny. G.K. Chesterton who all the Reconstructionists were recommending, “Orthodoxy”, also wrote “The Universal Christ”….making that connection& realization, & being stonewalled in their fake ‘dialogue’, tactic on non-response & just repeating the ‘party line’…..was among the things the Lord used to open my eyes to the infiltration and transformation crowd. Not that many listened or heeded my warnings.

  2. Jeffry

    Dear Millennials, I pray you have read the Bible. Maybe the New Testament? Contemplative Spirituality appealing to you? Mysticism is not Christian. We are not mystics. Van Morrison may sail into mysticism but Christians don’t. Rohr’s ‘Cosmic Christ” means God is in everything? This is not found in the Bible. Apostate teachers are leading many people to death and destruction. Contemplative prayer is dangerous to all of those searching for Gods Salvation. Go to the Bible for help. Start with the Gospels and pray for His help. I am thankful millennials are searching for the truth.

  3. JDV

    There’s plenty of details on this site about the serious issues with the “universal” idea this person reportedly references. Here’s one article where that universal tagline was not only used as a conference title but a book title:


    “Anthony] Graffagnino [28] was one of a number of millennials drawn to The Universal Christ—a four-day conference in New Mexico’s capital last month led by Rohr, one of the preeminent Christian contemplatives of the last century. . . . millennials are increasingly finding contemplative spirituality appealing.“

    “Whether it’s in the stillness of silent meditation, walking a labyrinth, or centering prayer; the practice of engaging with scripture through Lectio Divina, the Ignatian tradition’s Daily Examen; or a combination of Buddhist mindfulness, Kundalini breath work and Taizé prayer, many young adults are happy (to borrow a line from Van Morrison) to sail into the mystic. . . . The contemplative tradition is “expansive enough… that it leaves room as you grow,” he said. “To be Christian is to see Christ in everything.”“

  4. T. I. Miller

    Apostasy is how the majority are led into perdition.
    Where are the Watchmen? All pastors especially those who believe salvation can be lost should make this an uppermost priority.
    I’m tired of their cowardice. Show me a godly prophet or Apostle that was afraid to publicly call out apostates. What is their priority saving souls or job security?
    Boldy defending the faith is a command.
    Jesus said He came to bring a sword, he didn’t come to play patty cakes with the devil.

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