Dear Ladies—Are You a Discerning One or a Deceived One?

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By Lois Putnam

“Yet Another One—An Undiscerning Believer—Is Being Deceived!”
Not long ago a dear friend wrote me an e-mail that she titled: “Yet Another One.”  In her note she wrote that a former pastor’s wife had just messaged many on Facebook touting “Jesus Calling.”   Now this seasoned pastor’s wife seemed to have absolutely no clue or discernment that there were any problems with Sarah Young’s devotional Jesus Calling.  Sadly, she had never read Warren Smith’s classic critique: Another Jesus Calling.

Some Are Unaware
This made me think of many other ladies, often seniors, I had already encountered who thought Jesus Calling the very best devotional ever.  There was the friend of my friend, a Bible study leader loved by many, who promoted Jesus Calling.  There was the senior lady to whom we mentioned Jesus Calling as problematic who immediately asserted it was wonderful.  There was the lady at an apologetics meeting who confessed to the attendees she’d been in a group who used it as a Bible Study. And there was the lady at a luncheon who couldn’t get over the fact it could be dangerous.  Now, mind you, all these women were sincere, and assumed to be mature Christians.  Yet, all were hooked on Jesus Calling having no idea it was birthed out of the channeled book: God Calling.

Some Are Not Discerning
Why are these ladies so easily led astray?  I believe one of the biggest reasons is their intense fascination with something more, and something new rather than as Peter admonished, “As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.”  (I Peter 2:2) Click here to continue reading.

3 thoughts on “Dear Ladies—Are You a Discerning One or a Deceived One?

  1. I’m in a bible study which one of the women use the book Jesus Calling daily… It disturbs me to even go near the book yet, I have no choice…or I leave the study?

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