Deepak Chopra Comments on Evangelical Manifesto

Evangelical Manifesto will have far reaching effects and will further marginalize traditional Bible believing Christians.

Calling the new Evangelical Manifesto “conciliatory,” New Age leader and author Deepak Chopra says in a Washington Post commentary that “the writers quickly declare that their purpose is ‘not to attack or exclude.'” He sees the Manifesto as a type of spiritual handshake by these numbered evangelicals who signed the document last week, who he says, want to stop being so “intolerant.” “If you want to save the planet, it helps not to attack the bulk of humanity that worships a different God,” Deepak says. “To redefine the evangelical movement, it takes two parties, one to offer the new definition, the other to accept it.” Chopra finds this move by these more tolerant evangelicals admirable, but he says that the fundamentalists (those against abortion and homosexual practice) “will irrationally dominate their agenda.”

Chopra is a prominent proponent of mantra meditation and believes that the christ-consciousness (God) is in everyone. This is why he finds the traditional Christian “intolerant,” because he believes that God is separate from humanity, that God is holy and man is sinful, and that it is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that this sin can be atoned for. The fact that Chopra finds the Evangelical Manifesto to be hopeful is not a good sign for evangelical Christianity. In his commentary, Chopra says that “any attempt at reconciliation is welcome.” But the New Age “reconciliation” does not mean living peacefully with people of different faiths – it means being willing to lay aside the belief that there is only one way to God, (specifically Jesus Christ). Ultimately, this line of thinking concludes that all paths lead to God, and we can be reconciled to God through any faith. The reason this reconciliation can take place is because every human being already has a christ-consciousness or Divinity within him and its just a matter of realizing this. Based on Chopra’s teachings, he would not favor biblical reconciliation to God, which is only through the Lord Jesus Christ. Click here to read the commentary by Deekpak Chopra.

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