“‘Defaced’ Billboards Part of Strategic Ad Campaign by ‘The Chosen’ to Grow Audience”

(photo taken from a 2-second YouTube video clip; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act)

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes and not intended to be an endorsement of either the content or the source.* If you have not read the article/booklet Lighthouse Trails released this year titled The Chosen Series: 10 Critical Concerns, we encourage you to read it. Below this out-of-house news story, also watch a YouTube video that came out this week discussing the “defaced” billboard prank.

By Trent Toone
Deseret News

Many fans of “The Chosen” were alarmed and upset earlier this week when billboards promoting the popular faith-based television series during Holy Week appeared to be defaced with graffiti that mocked the show.

Producers of “The Chosen” have since come forward to confess it was all part of a strategic marketing ploy to gain new viewers.

What happened?

A few weeks ago, “The Chosen” began an Easter advertising campaign using 70 billboards in cities nationwide.

Then earlier this week, people began noticing that many of the same billboards, which depicted actors from the series, had been defaced with the words such as “The Chosen is boring” and “Chosensux.com,” which directed users to a website called “The Chosen is Not Good.”

The URL led people to a commercial, made by “The Chosen,” depicting a Satan character in hell with his demons as they schemed to get people to stop watching the show because of its positive impact. Click here to continue reading.

*The Deseret News is a news source owned by the Mormon Church. The Mormon Church is a cult that has captivated the hearts and minds of millions of followers. Please pray for those deceived by this group that their eyes may be opened.

YouTube Video:

Related Information:

Ex-Mormon Couple – “Devastated” That Christian Leaders and Pastors Are Embracing The Chosen Series

Mormonism and Other Aberrant Groups Reject the Eternal Deity of Christ, but the Biblical Jesus Identifies Himself as God

Letter to the Editor: Former Mormon Distressed About Promotion of The Chosen by Prominent Figures Jack Hibbs and Kirk Cameron

5 thoughts on ““‘Defaced’ Billboards Part of Strategic Ad Campaign by ‘The Chosen’ to Grow Audience”

  1. This show is dangerous…I was talking with a christian couple, when i was asked if i has watched the show…and what i thought of it.
    My response: I had watched 2 episodes, and i thought it was NOT biblical.
    The woman responded that ‘…she just likes those kind of shows’…then her husband said…’theres a lot in that show that I didnt know.’ ???????

    Unbelievable that they paid no attention when i stated it was not biblical.!!!

  2. There is so much deception written within the scripts of The Chosen. The whole premise of this monster will help usher in the Antichrist.

    Some points to consider:
    Look up the word Binge…binge watching will program your mind.

    Catch phrases (like catching the fish?!) are on the merchandise for the series. Come and see;
    Against the Current; I was one way and now I am completely different and the thing that happened in between was him. The last phrase is written in the shape of a cross featuring a gray fish and a teal fish. The antichrist has a mark. And yes. You will be changed. From the inside out. Whose chosen are you?

    Thank you for posting this article and video. May God’s mercy fall on us all.

  3. Wow! It won’t matter though, and I don’t think anyone ceased to watch because of this. Today’s “Christians” don’t seem to care that they are being lied to. I visited a few websites on Sunday in the Conservative news arena and apparently Roman Catholicism is just another denomination. The evangelical will worship with Catholic’s and pray with them. If you point out the Roman Catholic beliefs to an ‘evangelical’ they say, “judge not!” and it is pretty much the same with Mormonism. For the most part the Roman Catholic hypocrites who live however they want and will not listen either. They are convinced all they were brainwashed to believe is true. This is very sad. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 clearly declares apostasy not a great awakening! I read the comments on the link on the article above one person said even an atheist would like the chosen. Now, that is saying something! “But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.” 1 Corinthians 5:11-13

  4. The gospel cannot be served up “Mormon” style no matter who is serving it. Dallas’ goal is for a one-billion person audience. That is a monumental goal to achieve, and a monumental number being exposed to the “Mormon Jesus.” Dallas, please repent.

  5. 2 old sayings convey this present age we are in. CANT SEE THE FOREST FOR THE TREES and STANDING ON THE TRAKS AND DON’T SEE THE TRAIN COMING.
    Human nature never changes. Noah was mocked; tower of Babel; the plagues in Egypt; the 70-year exile.
    Now we have an ever expanding ever morphing, different gospel than what Jesus and His Apostles taught.
    Seeker Friendly is a euphemism for being ashamed of their Gospel. Pastors have become ear ticklers.
    The monetized churches are self absorbed with their own growth and survival above serving God.
    Serving a monetized seeker friendly church can rarely be equated with serving the invisible church.
    It’s my contention that A-millennialism is also serving the purveyors of the Great Delusion the falling away, not the Kingdom of God. It’s a well disguised form of antisemitism. From its Platonic roots it’s all about discarding and replacing the nation of Israel.

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