This is a follow up of a report we released last week regarding John Piper’s Desiring God conference. The report stated:
The Desiring God 2006 National Conference, to be held on September 29th, will be addressing “the Supremacy of Christ in a postmodern world.” According to John Piper, founder of the Desiring God ministries, speakers for the national conference are “eager to speak on behalf of the risen Lord of the universe, Jesus Christ.” However, one of the speakers is Mark Driscoll (of Mars Hill Church), who is considered to be one of the emerging church leaders. While Driscoll has recently stated that he has distanced himself from certain Emergent leaders (McLaren, Jones, etc.), in a recent Lighthouse Trails article, documentation shows that Driscoll is promoting contemplative spirituality.
It has now been confirmed that Desiring God is standing by their selection of Mark Driscoll and has issued a statement regarding this situation. Below is a copy of that statement:
Thank you for contacting Desiring God. We are very sorry for any confusion or disappointment we have caused you by having Mark Driscoll address the National Conference on the subject of the church. While we don’t agree with all of his communication methods, he is a brother for whom Christ died and one whom God is using in significant ways to build His church. We would like to hear and interact with what he has to say. We hope this ministry will continue to bless you.
For those of you who would like to contact Desiring God and express your concerns, please see contact information below, which was supplied by Desiring God in their statement.
Desiring God
2601 E. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55406
612.435.2401 (Local)
612.338.4372 (Fax)
Also read our report: Mark Driscoll and Acts 29 Network – Promoting Contemplative