1. Jeffry

    Trust in The Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path. God Bless the help from Lighthouse Trails in many ways that they do.

  2. claire

    Absolutely wonderful article. It looks like to me the “falling away” is in full swing as described in 2 Thessalonians. And, the delusion God puts those under who have forsaken righteousness.

  3. Ahava

    Warren has been a real encouragement for me. So grateful the Lord called him out of darkness into His marvelous light and given him a ministry to help others such as I.

  4. Nancy Cote

    Bible Truth that stands for itself.

    So very thankful for our dear brother Warren B. Smith helped me in so many ways coming out of the seeker sensitive/spiritual formation movement.🙏

  5. Sharon Hagglov

    Excellent … Thank you So much , …it can be discouraging when accusations are many concerning warnings to hear, heed and not be deceived.
    We , ourselves are responsible that we not be deceived . Jesus said “ Take heed that no one deceives you.” Matthew 24 : 4
    Just finishing Evangullible … great refresher course & will also use as resource guide . Thank you 🌹

  6. Jody Jeffers

    Great article with corresponding Scriptures. Thank you, Warren. I will print and use in my Bible studies.


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