1. Julie H.

    I always wondered why I never really had an interest in watching this series……….now I know. I’ve been a Bible-Believing, Bible-Trusting, Born Again, Trinity Believing and Radically Saved Christian since February 11, 1980.
    My spirit was NOT in alignment with the spirit of “The Chosen” and I never had an interest in watching it.
    My husband (also a Christian), myself and our daughter (she was 9 yrs old) moved to Salt Lake City, Utah in 1994 and left in 2004. My husband is Puerto Rican & I am Spanish. We were treated with prejudice and hate, so much so that our daughter is still traumatized by her experience with her public school teachers and peers. It was horrible!

  2. Tricia Burton

    Yes, I agree “be very careful with us” definitely sounds like a threat. It would not surprise me in the least, since Mormons have used sinister tactics in the past to intimidate dissenters. Dallas Jenkins has made himself some very questionable bedfellows.

  3. Pettifogging Pharisee

    Typical response by them and Dallas. They always attack dissentors when they have no way to refute an argument.

    And all one has to do is ask questions. If the the show is not produced by Mormons or members of LDS, then are they denying that Angel Studios isn’t run by or effectively controlled by LDS? Are they denying that prominent owners and c-suite executives at Angel Studios are members of LDS? Are they denying that the show is being shot on properties and sets owned and/or donated by LDS? If the jesus of Dallas Jenkins is supposed to be the authentic and biblical version as recognized by evangelical circles, then why per the testimony by Dallas are members of LDS telling him that there’s no difference between his version of jesus and the LDS?

    An english major is not required in order to ask legitimate and critical questions, especially where it concerns an irreverent depiction of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Chosen would prefer that you not have the audacity to question anything and just consume.

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